FAMILY READINGS FROM THE GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN, ADAPTED ALSO TO THE USE OF TEACHERS IN SUNDAY SCHOOLS. BY THE REV. JAMES SLADE, M. A. VICAR OF BOLTON, AND PREBENDARY OF CHESTER. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. G. & F. RIVINGTON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD, AND WATERLOO PLACE, PALL MALL. 1836. PREFACE. This publication was undertaken at the repeated recommendation and request of a few clerical friends, who had been present at my family readings: to myself it seemed unnecessary, as there are already so many plain scriptural commentaries; and still more so after the recent and excellent works of the Lord Bishop of Chester and the Rev. Charles Girdlestone on this very subject; but my friends observed, that different plans were suited to different persons and different families; and I have deemed it proper to defer to their judgment, in this matter, rather than to depend upon my own. My great desire has been to explain the text as clearly and simply as I could, partly by paraphrase and partly by annotations annexed, and then to close each lecture by a spiritual and practical address, drawn from some of the passages which have been read. And I would suggest to the reader, in using the work, the propriety of always making the family distinctly and instantly aware, as far as may be, when he is reading the text, and when he is giving an explanation; and this may be easily done by a slight change of voice or manner; sometimes by a word or two, which I have now and then introduced; |