Offer unto God Thanksgiving. Whofo offereth Praife, glorifieth him. b Let us facrifice unto the Lord with the Voice of Thanksgiving; ftanding every Morning to thank, and praise the Lord; and likewife at Evening. Let us be glad, and rejoice, and give Honour to him; fpeaking to our felves in Pfalms, and Hymns, and fpiritual Songs, Singing, and making Melody in our Hearts, to the Lord. d Is any among you merry? let him fing Pfalms: but let him fing with the Spirit, and with the Understanding alfo. e Praise the Lord with Harp, and with an Inftrument of ten Strings: Sing unto him a new Song, play fkilfully with a loud Noife. f And the Singers were as one, to make one Sound, to be heard in praifing and thanking the Lord and they lift up their Voice with Inftruments of Mufick. 8 O come, let us fing unto the Lord; let us come before his Prefence with Thanksgiving, and make a joyful Noife unto him with Pfalms. PRAYER. h Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by Prayer, and Supplication, with Thanksgiving, let your Requests be made known unto God. a pl. so. 14, 23. b ↳ Jonah 2. 9. 1 Chr. 23, 30. Rev. 19. 7. Eph. 5, 19. Jam. 5. 13. 1 Cor. 14. 15. e Pf. 33. 2, 3. Phil. 4. 6. 2 Chr. s. 13. Pf. 95. 1, 2. a Men a Men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Be ye therefore fober, and pray without ceafing; with all Prayer, and Supplication in the Spirit ; watching thereunto with all Perfeverance; and continuing inftant in Prayer. b Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. c. Call upon the Lord in the Day of Trouble; pour out thy Heart before him; and unto God commit thy Caufe. d If any of you lack Wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all Men liberally, and it fhall be given him: But let him ask in Faith, no. thing wavering; for let not that Man, that wavereth, think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. e Watch, and pray, that ye enter not into Temptation. f Make your Prayer before the Lord your God, that ye may turn from your Iniquities, and underftand his Truth. 8 Pray one for another, that ye may be healed: for the effectual fervent Prayer of a righteous Man availeth much. h If a Man see his Brother fin a Sin, which is not unto Death, he fhall pray for it. i Let Supplications, Prayers, Interceffions, and giving of Thanks, be made for all Men: efpecially, for Kings, and all that are in Authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable Life, in all Godliness, and Honefty. For * Luke 18. 1. Rom. 12. 12. I Pet. 4. 7. I Theff. s. 17. Eph. 6. 18. Pf. 62. 8. Job s. 8. e Mat. 26. 41. h 1 John 5. 16. b c Pf. 5o. 15. Jam. 5. 13. f Dan. 9. 13. 1 Tim. 2. I, 2, 3. 8 Jam. 5. 16. this is good and acceptable in the Sight of God our Saviour, a Pray for the Peace of Jerufalem: feek the Peace of the City where ye live, and pray unto the Lord for it. b Pray for them which defpitefully use you, and perfecute you. Let us lift up our Hearts, with our Hands, unto God in the Heavens. d Let us pray every where, lifting up holy Hands, without Wrath, and Doubting. e When thou prayeft, thou fhall not be as the Hypocrites are; for they love to pray ftanding in the Synagogues, and in the Corners of the Streets, that they may be feen of Men: verily, they have their Reward. But thou, when thou prayeft, enter into thy Closet, and when thou haft fhut the Door, pray to thy Father, which is in fecret; and thy Father, which feeth in fecret, fhall reward thee openly. f But when ye pray, ufe not vain Repetitions, as the Heathen do: For they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be ye not therefore like unto them; For your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him, After this manner, therefore, pray ye: Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name: Thy Kingdom come; Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven: Give us this Day our daily Bread; and forgive us our Debts, as we forgive our Debtors. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil: For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever. Amen. a Beware of the Scribes, which, for a fhew, make long Prayers. b Be not rafh with thy Mouth, and let not thine Heart be hafty to utter any thing before God: for God is in Heaven, and thou upon Earth: therefore let thy Words be few. c If I pray in an unknown Tongue, my Spirit prayeth, but my Understanding is unfruitful: I will pray then with the Spirit, and I will pray with the Understanding also. d Every Man praying, having his Head covered, dishonoureth his Head; but it is not comely, that a Woman pray unto God uncovered. e We do not present our Supplications before thee, O God, for our Righteoufneffes, but for thy great Mercies. f Seek the Lord, while he may be found, call upon him while he is near. For the Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him; to all that call upon him in Truth. g It is good for thee to draw near to God; for if thou feek him, with thy whole Defire, he will be found of thee. b The Eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his Ears are open unto their Prayers. He will fulfil the Defire of them that fear him, Whatsoever ye fhall afk in my Name (faith our Saviour,) that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. And, this is the Confidence we have in him, that if we afk any thing, according to his Will, he heareth us; and, if we know that he heareth us whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the Petitions that we defired of him. b Seeing then that we have a great High-Prieft who is paffed into the Heavens, Jefus, the Son of God; who was, in all Points, tempted, like as we are, yet without Sin: Let us come boldly unto the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain Mercy, and Grace, to help in time of need: Let us draw near, in full assurance of Faith. c Afk, and it fhall be given you; feek, and ye fhall find; knock, and it fhall be opened unto you. Whatsoever ye fhall afk in Prayer, believing, ye shall receive. d Beloved, if our Heart condemn us not, then have we Confidence towards God; and, whatfoever we afk, we receive of him, because we keep his Commandments, and do thofe things which are pleafing in his Sight. e What Man is there of you, whom if his Son afk Bread will he give him a Stone? or if he atk a Fish will give him a Serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good Gifts unto your Children, how much more fhall your Father, which is in Heaven, give good things to them that afk him? John 14. 13. 1 John 5. 14, 15. 15, 16. Heb. 10. 22. I 1 Joha 3. 21, 22. Heb. 4. 141 a We Mat. 7. 7. Mat. 21. 22. |