Above all things, my Brethren, fwear not : Neither by Heaven, for it is God's Throne; nor by the Earth, for it is his Foot-ftool: Neither fhalt thou fwear by thy Head, because thou canst not make one Hair white, or black: Neither by any other Oath. But let your Communication be Yea, Yea, Nay, Nay, and, let your Yea be Yea, and your Nay, Nay; left ye fall into Condemnation For, whatfoever is more than thefe, cometh of Evil. b Every one that fweareth vainly, or falfly, fhall be cut off: for, because of fwearing, the Land mourneth. Vows. c When thou shalt vow a Vow unto the Lord thy God, thou shalt not flack to pay it. That which is gone out of thy Lips, thou fhalt keep, and perform, according as thou haft promised with thy Mouth: For the Lord thy God will furely require it of thee. If any Man vow a Vow unto the Lord, or fwear an Oath to bind his Soul with a Bond; he fhall not break his Word; he fhall do according to all that proceedeth out of his Mouth. e If a Woman vow a Vow unto the Lord, and bind her felf by a Bond, being in her Father's House, in her Youth; and her Father hear her Vow, and he shall hold his Peace at her; then every Bond, wherewith fhe hath bound her Soul, fhall ftand: But, if her Father difallow her, in the Day that he heareth, not any of her Vows fhall ftand; and the Lord fhall forgive her; becaufe her Father difallowed her. a Jam. 5. 12. Mat. 5. 34, 35, 36. Jam. s. 12. Mat. s. 37. Jam. 5. 12. Mat. 5. 37. Zech. 5. 3. Jer. 23. 10. Num. 30. 2. Dent. 23. 21, 23, 21. ≈ And, a And, if he had an Hutband when he vowed, or uttered ought out of her Lips, wherewith fhe bound her Soul; and her Hufband heard it, and held his Peace at her, in the Day that he heard it; then her Vows fhall ftand: But, if her Hufband disallow her, on the Day that he heard it; then he fhall make her Vow of none effect and the Lord fhall forgive her. If her Hufband altogether hold his Peace at her, from Day to Day, then he establisheth all her Vows: But, if he shall any ways make them void, after that he hath heard them, then he fhall bear her Iniquity. b When thou voweft a Vow unto God, defer not to pay it: For he hath no pleasure in Fools: Pay that thou haft vowed. Better it is that thou fhouldest not vow, than that thou shouldft vow, and not pay. c Thy Vows are upon me, O God: I will render Praifes unto thee. My Praise fhall be of thee in the great Congregation: I will pay my Vows before them that fear him. d Render unto God the Things that are Gods. e It is a Snare to the Man, who devoureth that which is holy, and after Vows, to make Inquiry. f Thou that abhorrest Idols, doft thou commit Sacrilege? Ye shall not rob God in Tythes and Of ferings. Covenants. a Take heed unto your felves, left ye forget the Covenant of the Lord your God, which he commanded you to perform, even ten Commandments. b Be ye mindful always of his Covenant; the Word which he commanded to a thousand Generations; even of the Covenant which he made with Abraham, and of his Oath to Ifaac, and confirmed the fame to Jacob for a Law. Bleffed is the Man, whosoever he be, whether Ifraelite or Stranger, that joineth himself to the Lord; and taketh hold of his Covenant, even that everlasting Covenant, which God hath made with us in Chrift; the new Covenant of which Jefus is the Mediator. d Come, therefore, and let us join our felves unto the Lord, in a perpetual Covenant that fhall not be forgotten. BAPTISM, and the LORD'S SUPPER. Baptifm. e Jefus commanded his Difciples to baptize all Nations, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. f He hath faid alfo, That except a man be born again, of Water, and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. 8 Repent ye therefore, and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of Jefus Chrift, for the Remiffion of Sins. h If thou believeft, with all thine Heart, thou mayeft be baptized. a Jefus faid, Suffer little Children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for, of fuch, is the Kingdom of God: and he put his Hands upon them; and bleffed them. b We are all baptized into one Body. c As many as have been baptized into Chrift, have put on Christ. d So many of us as were baptized into Jefus Chrift, were baptized into his Death: therefore we are buried with him, by Baptism, into Death; that, like as Chrift was raised up from the dead, by the Glory of the Father, even fo we, alfo, fhould walk in Newness of Life: For, he that is dead, is freed from Sin. e Baptifm doth now fave us (not the putting away the Filth of the Flefh, but the Anfwer of a good Confcience towards God,) by the Refurrection of Jesus Christ. f After that the Kindnefs and Love of God our Saviour toward Man appeared; not by Works of Righteousness, which we have done, but according to his Mercy he faved us, by the washing of Regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghoft. 8 The Lord Jefus, the fame The Lord's Supper. Night in which he was betray ed, took Bread, and bleffed it, and brake it, and gave it to his Difciples, faying; Take, eat, this is my Body, which is given for you, this do in remembrance of me. After the fame manner, a Mar. 10. 14, 16. bi Cor. 12. 13. Gal. 3.27. * 1 Pet. 3.21. f Tit. 3. 4. 5. d Rom. 6. 3, 4, 7. I Cor. II. 23. Mat. 26. 26. Luke 22. 19. I Cor. f II. 25. I 2 alfo, alfo, he took the Cup, and gave Thanks, and gave it to them, faying, Drink ye all of it; for this is my Blood of the New Teftament, which is fhed for you, and for many, for the Remiffion of Sins; this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me: For as often as ye eat this Bread, and drink this Cup, ye do fhew the Lord's Death till he come. a Jefus faid unto the Jews, I am the living Bread, which came down from Heaven: If any Man eat of this Bread, he fhall live for ever and the Bread that I will give is my Flesh, which I will give for the Life of the World. Except, therefore, ye eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his Blood, ye have no Life in you. Whofo eateth my Flesh, and drinketh my Blood, hath eternal Life ; For my Flesh is Meat indeed, and my Blood is Drink indeed. He that eateth my Flesh, and drinketh my Blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. The Words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are Life. It is the Spirit that quickneth, the Flesh profiteth nothing. b The Cup of Bleffing, which we blefs, (faith St. Paul) is it not the Communion of the Blood of Chrift? and the Bread which we break, is it not the Communion of the Body of Chrift? For we, being many, are one Bread, and one Body; for we are all Partakers of that one Bread. a Mat, 26. 27, 28. Luke 22. 20. Mat. 26. 28. 1 Cor. 11. 25, 26. John 6. 43,41, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 63. b1 Cor. 10, 16, 17. • What |