صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

■ Drink Waters out of thine own Cistern: Let thy Fountain be blessed; and rejoice with the Wife of thy Youth, and be thou satisfied always with her Love: For the is thy Companion, and the Wife of thy Covenant.

b Embrace not the Bosom of a Stranger. Take heed to your Spirit; and let none deal treacheroufly against the Wife of his Youth.



The Woman which hath an Husband,

is bound by the Law to her Husband, fo long as he liveth; but if the Husband be dead, the is loofed from the Law of her Husband: So then, if while her Husband liveth the be married to another Man, she shall be called an Adulteress: But if her Husband be dead, the is free from that Law, so that she is no Adulteress, tho the be married to another Man.

d. Let not the Wife depart from her Husband: But, and if the depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her Husband.

• The Woman which hath an Husband that believeth not, if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him: For what knoweft thou, O Wife, whether thou shalt fave thy Hufband?


f Wives, fubmit your selves unto your own Husbands, as unto the Lord: For the Husband is the Head of the Wife, even as Chrift is the Head of the Church. Therefore, as the Church is fubject unto Christ, so let the Wives be to. their own Husbands in every thing.

Prov. 5. 15, 18, 19. Mal. 2. 14. b Prov. 5. 20. Mal. 2. 15.

Rom. 7. 2, 3.

Cor. 7. 13, 16.

dr Cor. 7. 10, 11. Eph. 5. 22, 23, 24.

a Let.


a Let the Wife fee that the reverence her Husband.

b Let the Woman learn in Silence, with, all Subjection. The Woman is not fuffered to teach, nor to ufurp Authority over the Man, but to be in Silence: For Adam was first formed, then Eve: And Adam was not deceived, but the Woman, being deceived, was first in the Tranfgreffion.

cYe Wives, be in Subjection to your own Husbands; that if any obey not the Word, they also may, without the Word, be won by the Conversation of the Wives, while they behold your chaste Conversation, coupled with Fear,

d For after this manner, in the old time, the holy Women, who trusted in God, were in Subjection unto their own Husbands; even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord whofe Daughters ye are, as long as ye do well.

• A virtuous Woman is a Crown to her Hufband; but the that maketh ashamed, is as Rottenness in his Bones.

* The strange Woman, who forfaketh the Guide of her Youth, and forgetteth the Covenant of her God, her House inclineth unto Death, and her Paths unto the dead.

& The Contentions of a Wife are a continual dropping.

A prudent Wife is from the Lord. The Heart of her Husband doth safely truft in her: She will do him Good, and not Evil, all the

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Days of her Life: She openeth her Mouth with Wisdom, and in her Tongue is the Law of Kindness: She looketh well to the Ways of her Houfhold, and eateth not the Bread of Idleness: Her Children arife up, and call her blessed; her Hufband alfo, and he praiseth her.



a Ye Fathers, provoke not your Children to Wrath; but bring them up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord; having them in fubjection, with all Gravity.

The Words which God hath commanded you, ye shall lay up in your Heart; and ye shall teach them diligently unto your Children: And ye shall command your Children, and your Houfhold after you, to keep the Way of the Lord, to do Justice, and Judgment, and to observe to do all the Words of his Law.

c Train up a Child in the Way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

d Chaften thy Son betimes, while there is Hope; and let not thy Soul spare for his crying: For Foolishness is bound in the Heart of a Child, but the Rod, and Reproof, give Wisdom. And, if thou with-hold not Correction, thou shalt deliver his Soul from Hell.


Prov. 22.6.

Prov. 31. 12, 26, 27, 28. a Eph. 6. 4. 1 Tim. 3. 4. Deut. 6. 6. Deut. 11. 13. Deut. 6. 7. Gen. 18. 19. Deut. 31. 12. d Prov. 19. 18. Prov. 13. 24. Prov. 19. 18. Prov. 22. 15. Prov. 29. Is. Prov. 23. 13, 14.

a Correct

a Correct thy Son, and he shall give thee Reft; yea, he shall give Delight unto thy Soul: but a Child, left to himself, bringeth his Mother to Shame.

Fathers, provoke not your Children to Anger, left they be discouraged.

c Do not proftitute thy Daughter, to cause her to be a Whore; left the Land become full of Wickedness.

d The Children ought not to lay up for the Parents, but the Parents for the Children.

e If any provide not for those of his own House, he hath denied the Faith, and is worfe than an Infidel.

f When a Man maketh his Sons to inherit that which he hath, he shall give his First-born a double Portion of all that he hath; for he is the beginning of his Strength; the Right of the First-born is his.

g A good Man leaveth an Inheritance to his Children's Children.

h Children, obey your Parents in the Children. Lord; for this is right. Obey your Parents in all things; for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.

i Honour thy Father and thy Mother, (which is the first Commandment with Promise) that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the Earth.

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a My Son, hear the Instruction of thy Father, and forfake not the Law of thy Mother.

b Ye shall fear, every Man, his Mother and his Father.

Whofo curseth his Father, or his Mother, his Lamp shall be put out in obfcure Darkness.

d The Eye which mocketh at his Father, and despiseth to obey his Mother, the Ravens of the Valley shall pick it out, and the young Eagles shall eat it.

e Cursed be he that fetteth light by his Father or his Mother.

f He that wasteth his Father, and chasethaway his Mother, is a Son that causeth Shame, and bringeth Reproach.

8 A wife Son maketh a glad Father; but a foolish Son is the Heaviness of his Mother.



h Masters, give unto your Servants that which is just and equal, forbearing Threatning, knowing that ye alfo have a Master in Heaven; neither is there refpect of Persons with him.

i Despise not the Cause of thy Man-fervant, or of thy Maid-fervant, when they contend with. thee. Did not he that made thee, in the Womb,. make him? And did not one fashion us all in the Womb?

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Eph. 6. 99

Job 31, 13, 15.

a Ye

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