صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

a Ye fhall not rule one over another with Rigour; for ye are Brethren.

b Woe unto him that useth his Neighbour's Service without Wages, and giveth him not for his Work.

He that troubleth his own Houfe fhall inhe rit the Wind.

d Servants, be obedient to them that Servants. are your Masters, according to the Flesh; not with Eye-fervice, as Men-pleafers, but in Singleness of Heart, fearing God: And, as the Servants of Chrift, doing the Will of God from the Heart; with Good-will doing Service, as to the Lord, and not to Men; knowing, that whatfoever good thing any Man doth, the fame thall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.

e Servants, obey your Mafters in all things, and please them well in all things; not anfwer-ing again, not purloining, but fhewing all good Fidelity.

f Servants, be fubject to your Masters with all Fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward: For this is thank-worthy, if a Man, for Confcience-fake towards God, endure Grief, fuffering wrongfully.

g Be content with your Wages.

h They that have believing Mafters, let them not defpife them, because they are Brethren; but rather do them Service, because they are faithful and beloved, Partakers of the Benefit.

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Let as many Servants as are under the Yoke, count their own Masters worthy of all Honour; that the Name of God, and his Doctrine, be not blafphemed.


Magiftrates. b The Judges, and Officers, that

fhall be Rulers over you, shall be able Men, fuch as fear God, Men of Truth, hating Covetoufnefs: And they fhall judge the People at all Seafons, and hear the Caufes between their Brethren, and judge righteoufly between every Man and his Brother, and the Stranger that is with him.

They fhall not wreft Judgment. They fhall not refpect Perfons in Judgment; but they fhall hear the fmall as well as the great. They fhall not respect the Perfon of the Poor, nor honour the Perfon of the Mighty: Neither take a Gift; for a Gift doth blind the Eyes of the wife, and pervert the Words of the righteous. They fhall not be afraid of the Face of Man, for the Judgment is God's.

d Take heed what ye do, ye that are Judges; for ye judge not for Man, but for the Lord, who is with you in the Judgment. Wherefore let the Fear of the Lord be upon you; and, judge not unjustly, nor accept the Perfons of the wicked, nor overthrow the righteous in Judgment: Defend the poor and fatherless; do Juftice to the afflicted and needy; and deliver them out of the Hand of the wicked.

1 Tim. 6. 1. 21, 22. Deut. 1. 16. 19. 15. Deut. 16. 19. Ps. 82. 2. PIOV. 18. §.

b Deut. 16. 18. Deut. 1. 13. Ex. 18. Deut. 16. 19. Deut. 1. 17. Lev. d 2 Chr, 19. 6, 7.

Deut. 1. 17.
Pf, 82, 3, 4.

a And,

a And, what Caufe foever fhall come to you, of your Brethren, between Blood and Blood, between Law and Commandment, Statutes and Judgments, ye fhall even warn them that they trefpafs not against the Lord, and fo Wrath come upon you, and upon your Brethren.

b Thus fhall ye do, in the fear of the Lord, faithfully, and with a perfect Heart.

If there be a Controverfy between Men, and they come unto Judgment, that the Judges may judge them, then they fhall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked: And if the wicked Man be worthy to be beaten, the Judge fhall caufe him to be beaten before his Face, according to his Fault, by a certain number of Stripes; left if he exceed, and beat him above thefe, with many Stripes, then thy Brother fhould feem vile unto thee.

d The Fathers fhall not be put to Death for the Children; neither hall the Children be put to Death for the Fathers: Every Man fhall be put to Death for his own Sin.

e Woe unto them that decree unrighteous Decrees, and that write Grievoufnefs, which they have prefcribed; to turn afide the needy from Judgment, and to take away the Right from the Poor, the Widows, and the Fatherlefs.

f He that ruleth over Men must be just; ruling in the Fear of God.

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a If a Ruler hearken to Lies, all his Servants are wicked: Therefore the Law is flack'd, and Judgment doth never go forth; for the wicked doth compafs about the righteous; therefore. wrong Judgment proceedeth; And then a Man's Gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great Men.

b Many feek the Ruler's Favour; but every Man's Judgment cometh from the Lord.

When the righteous are in Authority, the People rejoice; but when the wicked beareth.. Rule, the People mourn.

When the King fitteth upon the Throne of his Kingdom, the Book of the Law of God fhall be with him, and he fhall read therein all the Days of his Life; that he may learn to fear the Lord his God; to keep all the Words of his Law, and his Statutes, to do them; that his Heart be not lifted up above his Brethren, and that he turn not afide from the Commandment, to the right, or to the left; to the end, that he may prolong his Days in his Kingdom, he, and his Children.

e It is an Abomination to Kings to commit Wickedness; for the Throne is established by Righteousness.

The Prince fhall not take of the People's Inheritance, by Oppreffion, to thrust them out of their Poffeffion.

The Honour of Kings is to fearch out a Matter.

Prov. 29. 12. Hab. 1. 4. Prov. 18. 16.

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It is not for Kings to drink Wine, nor for Princes ftrong Drink; left they drink, and forget the Law, and pervert the Judgment of any of the afflicted.

b Mercy and Truth preferve the King, and his Throne is upholden by Mercy.

Take away the wicked from before the King, and his Throne fhall be established by Righteoufnefs.

d A wife King, that fitteth in the Throne of Judgment, fcattereth away all Evil with his Eyes: He delivereth the spoiled out of the Hand of the Oppreffor; he removeth Violence, and Spoil, and taketh away Exactions from the People.

eAs a roaring Lion, and a raging Bear, fo is a wicked Ruler over the poor People.

The Prince that wanteth Understanding, is also a great Oppreffor; and he that receiveth Gifts, overthroweth the. Land; but he that hateth Covetoufnefs fhall prolong his Days.

8 Hear this, ye Heads and Princes, that abhor Judgment, and pervert all Equity.

h For the Tranfgreffion of a Land, many are the Princes thereof.

i Let every Soul be fubject unto the Subjects Higher Powers; for there is no Power but of God: The Powers that be, are ordained of God. Whofoever, therefore, refifteth the Power, refifteth the Ordinance of God; and they that refift, fhall receive to themfelves Dam

a Prov. 31. 4, 5.
a Prov. 20. 26, 8.

Prov. 28. 15.

Prov. 28. 16.

i Rom. 13. 1, 2,

b Prov. 20. 28:
Jer. 22. 3. Ezek. 45. 9.

Prov. 25. S..

f Prov. 28. 16. Prov. 29. 4..
b Prov. 28. 2.

8 Mic. 3.9

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