صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Ghoft, which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? If any Man defile the Temple of God, him fhall God destroy: For the Temple of God is holy, which Temple ye are.

a Keep thee from the evil Woman, from the Flattery of the Tongue of a ftrange Woman :: Luft not after her Beauty in thine Heart, neither let her take thee with her Eye-lids. Can a Man take Fire in his Bofom, and his Clothes not be burnt?

b Remove thy Way far from a strange Woman, and come not nigh the Door of her House; left thou give thine Honour unto others; left Strangers be filled with thy Wealth; and thou mourn at the laft, when thy Flesh and thy Body are confumed, and fay, How have I hated Inftruction, and defpifed Reproof?

Let not thine Heart decline to her Ways; for her Houfe is the Way to Hell. Thou goeft after her, as an Ox goeth to the Slaughter, till a Dart ftrike through thy Liver; as a Bird hafteth to the Snare, and knoweth not that it is for his Life.

d If mine Heart hath been deceived by a Woman, or, if I have laid wait at my Neighbour's Door; this is an heinous Crime, yea, it is an Iniquity to be punished by the Judges: For it is a Fire that confumeth to Destruction, and would root out all mine Increase.

e Whofoever looketh on a Woman to luft after her, hath committed Adultery with her already in his Heart

I Cor. 6. 19. 1 Cor. 3. 17.

a Prov. 6, 24, 25, 27.

Prov. 5. 8, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 27, 22, 23, 4 Job 31.9, 11, 12.

• Prov. 7. 259 Mat. 5. 28. :

a To

To avoid Fornication, let every Man have his own Wife; and let every Woman have her own Hufband: For it is better to marry than to burn. And, Marriage is honourable in all; but Whoremongers, and Adulterers, God will judge.

Let the younger Women marry, bear Chil dren, guide the Houfe, give none occafion to the Adverfary to fpeak reproachfully.

Let the aged Women likewife be, in Behaviour, as becometh Holiness; Teachers of good things: that they may teach the young Women to be fober, to love their Husbands, to love their Children, to be difcreet, chafte, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own Hufbands; that the Word of God be not blafphemed.

Let the Men intreat the younger Women, as Sifters, with all Purity.

e Fornication, and all Uncleanness, let it not be once named amongst you, as becometh Saints; neither Filthinefs, nor foolish talking, nor jeft ing, which are not convenient.

Put all filthy Communication out of your Mouth: For it is a Shame even to speak of those things which are done of fome in fecret.

g The Woman fhall not wear that which pertaineth unto a Man; neither fhall a Man put on a Woman's Garment: For all that do fo are Abomination unto the Lord.

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a Bleffed are the pure in Heart; for they fhall fee God.

b The Lord will referve the unjuft unto the Day of Judgment, to be punished; but chiefly them that walk after the Flesh, in the Lust of Uncleanness, and defpife Government; having Eyes full of Adultery, and that cannot cease from Sin. Thefe, as natural Brute Beafts, made to be taken, and deftroyed, fhall utterly, perith in their own Corruption: Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Cities about them in like manner, giving themfelves over to Fornication, and going after strange Flesh, are fet forth for an Example, fuffering the Vengeance of eternal Fire.

c Neither Fornicators, nor Adulterers, nor effeminate, nor Abufers of themselves with Mankind, fhall inherit the Kingdom of God.

d No Whoremonger, nor unclean Perfon, hath any Inheritance in the Kingdom of Chrift, and of God.

e Let no Man deceive you with vain Words: For because of these things cometh the Wrath of God upon the Children of Difobedience.

f But if a Man purge himself from thefe, he fhall be a Veffel unto Honour, fanctified, and meet for the Mafter's Ufe, and prepared unte every good Work.

• Mat. s. 8.

CI Cor. 6. 9, 10.
£ 2 Tim. 2.21.

2 Pet. 2. 9, 10, 14, 12. Jude 7. Eph. 5. 5.

Eph. 5. 6.

a Snare, and into many foolish and hurtful Lufts, which drown Men in Deftruction, and Perdition.

a The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil; which, while fome have coveted after, they have erred from the Faith, and pierced themselves through with many Sorrows: But thou, O Man of God, flee these things.

b Lay not up for your felves Treasures upon Earth, where Moth and Ruft doth corrupt, and where Thieves break through and fteal: but lay up for your felves Treafures in Heaven, where neither Moth nor Ruft doth corrupt, and where Thieves do not break through nor fteal: For where your Treasure is, there will your Heart be alfo.

Rejoice not because thy Wealth is great, and becaufe thine Hand hath gotten much. Will God efteem thy Riches? No, not Gold, nor all the Forces of Strength.

d Godliness, with Contentment, is great Gain: For we brought nothing into this World; and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

e A little that a righteous Man hath is better than the Riches of many wicked.

f Better is a little with the Fear of the Lord, than great Treasure and Trouble therewith.

8 He that is greedy of Gain troubleth his own House.

h He that maketh hafte to be rich fhall not be innocent.

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a An Inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof, fhall not be bleffed.

b Woe to him that ladeth himself with thick


c Woe unto you that are rich; for ye have received your Confolation.

d No covetous Man, who is an Idolater, hath any Inheritance in the Kingdom of Chrift. And how hard is it for them that truft in Riches to enter into the Kingdom of God!

• Woe unto them that joyn House to House, that lay Field to Field, till there be no place; that they may be placed alone in the midst of the Earth.

f Woe to him that coveteth, that he may fet his Neft on high; that he may be delivered from the Power of Evil.

8 Curfed Children are they, who have an Heart exercised with covetous practices.

h Give me, O Lord, neither Poverty nor Riches; feed me with Food convenient for me: left I be full, and deny thee, and fay, Who is the Lord? or left I be poor, and steal, and take the Name of my God in vain.


iThus faith our Saviour, If any Man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his Crofs daily, and follow me.

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