صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Thanks. p. 158 e. 160 f. 161 b. V. Prayer, p.
166 d. 173 d. 175 a. V. Publ. Aff. p. 178 £.
237 d..

SACRILEGE. V. Vows, p. 169 d, e, f, g.
SCRIPTURE. V. p. 3, &c.

Given by Inspiration, v.
p. 4 b, &c. Clearness of the Script. v. p. 6.
Perfection, p. 7 b, &c,

SPIRIT. God is a Spirit, v. p. 24. Spirit of Man,
p. 12 d. 54 a, c. 58 c. 61 f. 73 a. 118 d.
Spirit of God. V. H. Ghost, p. 95. Created Spi-
rits, v. Angels, p. 121.
SPIRITUAL Nature of the Chriftian Religion, v.
New Covenant, p. 86 e, &c. V. Operat. of Spi-
rit, p. 97, &c. V. Church of Chrift, p. 102 d, e.
V. Chriftian Knowledge, p. 110 d. Holiness, p.
III, &c. Happiness, p. 118 b, &c. V. Duty to
God, p. 129 d, e, &c V. Faith, p. 135 d. V.
Obedience, p. 146 f, &c. V. Worship, p. 155 a,
&c. 172 a. 174b, c. 176 a. 177 b. V. Mortifi
cation, p. 267, &c. V. Perfection, p. 282, &c.
SUPERSTITION. V. Vanity, p. 66 e V. Duty to
God, p. 130 f, g. 133 b. V. Fear of G. p. 142 f.
V. Prayer, p. 163 f. 166 g. V. Holy-days, p.
174 b, c. V. Edif. gen. p. 270 g. Edif. by
Knowl. p. 272 f. V. sup. Divination.
TEMPTATION. V. Sinfulness of Man, p. 74 a. V.
Chrift as Man, p. 83 c. V. Devil, p. 127 c, d, f.
128 a. V. Submif. to G. p. 150 d, e. V. Prayer,
p. 162 e. 163 g. 165 b. V. Watchfulness, p.
276 h. 277 b. V. Company, p. 277 i. 278 c, &c.
THOUGHTS. V. Knowl. of God, p. 29 f, g, h. V.
Vanity of Man, p. 62 c. 66 c. Ignorance, p. 68 a.
Infufficiency, p. 69 d, f. 70 d. V. Knowl. of
Chrift, p. 79 f. V. Thoughts of the Wicked, p.
131 c. V. Justice, p. 191 d, e, f. V. Candour
in judging, p. 211 c. V. Humility, p. 246 a.
V. Chastity, p. 259 e. V. Univ. Obedience,

p. 284 f. V. Sincerity, p. 286 d, e, f, i. V.
fup. Confcience.

TRINITY. V. p, 108, &c.

VAIN-GLORY. V. Humility, p. 246 d, f, &c.
WORDS. V. Vanity of Man, p. 62 g. 66 e. V.
Oaths, p. 167 d, &c. V. Falfe Wit, p. 200, &c.
V. Candour in Speaking, p. 212, &c. V. Truth
and Sinc. p. 213, &c. V. Edific. p. 216 a, b.
220 e. V. Meekness, p. 253 c, d, e, f. 254 a,
&c. V. Chastity, p. 260 c, f. V. Watchfulness,
P. 277 e. V. Univ. Obedience, p. 283 f, &c. V.
fup. Blafphemy, Curfing, Flattery, Profaneness.
WORKS. Of God. v. Ch. II. Part. p. 20 a, b, c.
21 e, f. 23 b. 33 d. 34 d, f. 35 d. 51 d, &c.
of Chrift, v. p. 78 a, &c. 80 a, &c. Of the
H. Ghaft, v. p. 96,97. Works of Man. V. Weak-
ness, p. 70 c, &c. V. Faith, p. 136 c, d, e.
137 g. V. Justice of God, p. 43 f, g. V. Re-
wards, p. 309 a, d. V. Punish. p. 316 a. 321 b.
WORLD. V. Love of God, p. 145. V. Mortifica-
tion, p. 269 a, &c.


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