THE WORKS OF JOHN OWEN, D.D. EDITED BY THOMAS RUSSELL, M. A. WITH MEMOIRS OF HIS LIFE AND WRITINGS, BY WILLIAM ORME. VOL. XIX. CONTAINING THE DUTY OF PASTORS AND PEOPLE DISTINGUISHED: QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE POWER OF THE SUPREME MAGISTRATE ABOUT RELIGION, PROPOSED AND RESOLVED: AND A VINDICATION OF THE NONCONFORMISTS FROM THE CHARGE OF SCHISM. LONDON: PRINTED FOR RICHARD BAYNES, 28, PATERNOSTER ROW: Of the administration of holy things among the patriarchs before the law ... CHAP. II. Of the same among the Jews, and of the duty of that people distinct from 9 13 CHAP. III. Containing a digression concerning the name of priests, the right of Christians CHAP. IV. .... 24 Of the duty of God's people in cases extraordinary concerning his worship.. 35 CHAP. V. Of the several ways of extraordinary calling to the teaching of others. The first way....... CHAP. VI. ..... 36 What assurance men extraordinarily called can give to others, that they are CHAP. VII. ... 39 The second way whereby a man may be called extraordinarily ........... 43 CHAP. VIII. Of the liberty and duty of gifted uncalled Christians, in the exercise of divers ESHCOL; A CLUSTER OF THE FRUIT OF CANAAN. To the Reader .. ... Rules of walking in fellowship, with reference to the pastor or minister that |