Medical Record, المجلد 9

الغلاف الأمامي
George Frederick Shrady, Thomas Lathrop Stedman
W. Wood., 1874

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 55 - God made the country, and man made the town. What wonder then that health and virtue, gifts, That can alone make sweet the bitter draught, That life holds out to all, should most abound And least be threatened in the fields and groves...
الصفحة 262 - MEDICAL LEXICON ; A Dictionary of Medical Science : Containing a concise Explanation of the various Subjects and Terms of Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Hygiene, Therapeutics, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Surgery, Obstetrics, Medical Jurisprudence and Dentistry, Notices of Climate and of Mineral Waters...
الصفحة 36 - ... successful treatment, -whether by the use of bougies or by the injection of air or water, are exceedingly small, excepting in quite recent cases, and that if the surgeon does not succeed by them promptly it is not likely that he will succeed at all.
الصفحة 214 - Each State, county and district medical society entitled to representation shall have the privilege of sending to the Association one delegate for every ten of its regular resident members, and one for every additional fraction of more than half that number...
الصفحة 15 - MAUDSLEY (HENRY). Body and Mind: an Inquiry into their Connection and Mutual Influence, specially in reference to Mental Disorders. An enlarged and revised edition, to which are added Psychological Essays. By Henry Maudsley, MD, London, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians ; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in University College, London, etc.
الصفحة 402 - does not appear to be at all dependent on the nerve affected, it being equally efficacious in neuralgia of the sciatic as of the trigeminus. I have found it of the greatest service in neuralgia of the larynx, and in relieving spasmodic cough of a nervous or hysterical character.
الصفحة 103 - Department exclusive control of general hospitals, hospital ships, and hospital camps; saw to the development of the Army Medical Museum and the Library of the Surgeon General's Office; and supervised the compilation of the Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion.
الصفحة 184 - ... overcome by posture, without the aid of extension, and that, for this purpose, for example, in the case of a broken femur, it was only necessary to flex the leg upon the thigh, and the thigh upon the body; laying the limb afterwards quietly on its outside upon the bed.
الصفحة 382 - ... more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not less than thirty days nor more than one year.
الصفحة 355 - ... association take such action as will bring about the discontinuance of the practice." Referred to a special committee. A protest against the adoption of Dr. Pinkney's report of the medical corps of the navy was submitted, and, after some debate, was laid on the table, and the whole subject referred to a committee of three, to report at the next meeting of the association. The Committee on Ethics made reports on several cases relating to charges against individuals and colleges in the different...

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