The Author will thank the Reader to correct with his Pen the following Er rata, which have escaped him in the Proofs. 1 ERRATA. Page 31, Note, last line but one, instead of Psalm xlix. 3, read xlix. 4. 46, Note, line 1, for Ps. xlii. read Ps. xli. 53, Note, line 3, for 1 Kings v. read 1 Kings iv. 60, line 9, for strangely read strongly, 98, Note, line 4, for Cant. ii. read Cant. i. 99, ditto, line, 7, dele vii. 117, line 10, for the field read Sharon : -141, Note, for Eph. v. 31-33, read Matf. xxii. 37. -166, transpose Note 1 and 2 -173, line 17, dele 'He" -195, line 2 from the bottom, read Temple of the Messiah' -228, line 14, for grapes read buds -265, for her read the -275, the Notes are wrong placed and numbered, No. 1, 2, 3, should be 3, 1, 2 -283, line 7 from the bottom, for provoke read provokes - 324, after line 11, SECTION XII is omitted - 336, line 4, for is read shall be : : -343, dele last Note |