BY THE SAME AUTHOR. AN HISTORICAL DEFENCE OF EXPERIMENTAL RELIGION, 2 vol. 12mo. boards, 6s. A VINDICATION OF THE CALVINISTIC DOCTRINES Or HUMAN DEPRAVITY, THE ATONEMENT, DIVINE INFLUENCES, &c. 8vo. boards, 4s. THE AGE OF INFIDELITY, 8vo. 2 parts, 4s. sewed. THE AGE OF CREDULITY, 8vo. Is. REASONS FOR FAITH IN REVEALED RELIGION, 8vo. 1s. INFANT SALVATION, 8vo. 6d. THE MISSSIONARY, a Poem, &c. 12mo. 6d. THE PREFACE. HE following work originated in a serious enquiry, whether this book be a genuine part of the holy scriptures; and if so, how it. should be explained, that it may become 'pro'fitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, 'for instruction in righteousness.' The process and result of these enquiries are now before the public, who will judge of the evidence which fully satisfied the author. To those who have never doubted, such a chain of argumentation may appear unnecessary; and to others who read only for pious improvement and reflection the discussion may appear dry and uninteresting. Such should recollect, however, that some attention is due, both to the scruples of their brethren, and to the objections of unbelievers: that the temple of gospel truth, like that of old, has its steps, which must be gradually ascended, before we can behold its higher mysteries. |