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النشر الإلكتروني


her festivals lasted. Non bella ineunt, faid Tacitus, respecting those seasons, non arma fumunt, claufum omne ferrum; pax & quies tum tantum amata. But as soon as these were over, they made themselves amends for this forced state of quiet, and the God of war was only served with the more activity during the rest of the year. I have nothing to remark concerning the other Goddesses, who are only known to us by the EDDA, and who, for the most part, seem to have sprung from the brains of the northern SCALDS.

(B) "EYRA performs "the function of Physi"cian to the Gods."] Tacitus informs us that the Germans had no other physicians but their women. They followed the armies to stanch and fuck the wounds of their hufbands. In like manner, all the hiftories and romances of the north always represent the females, and often princesses, charged with this care. The fame thing may be observed of almost all nations in their infan

cy. But no people had ever a stronger confidence in the women's skill in medicine, than our Celtic and Gothic' ancestors. " Persuaded, says Taci


tus, that there was " something divine in "that sex," they submitted, when fick, to their opinion and decifion with that implicit confidence, which is due to fupernatural knowledge. Indeed all the science of medicine that was employed in those times, was little else but magic applied to the cure of difeases. The evils and the remedies were most com

monly nothing else but lots, poffeffions, conjurations and enchantments. And the mountaineers in many parts of Europe, know of no other at this day. The fuperftition of shepherds and such like people, in this respect, is well known. The prejudices of these poor people, are only reliques of what all heads were once full of. After this, regret who will, the lofs of ancient times!

(c) "She hath a horse, "which runs over the "air."]


"air."] The travels of Goddesses and Fairies through the air, are very common in all the poems and fables of the ancient inhabitants of the north, and most of the nations in Europe have thought in this respect along with them. When in process of time Chriftianity became prevalent, what had been formerly looked upon as a precious gift and signal mark of divine favour, was now regarded as the effect only of diabolic arts. The affemblies of ecclesiastics made very fevere prohibitions, and denounced their anathemas againft all those who should travel through the air in the night-time. In the ancient law of Norway, called " Gu" lathings Lagen," c. I. we find this regulation. "Let the king and the " bishop, with all possi" ble care, make inquiry " after those who exercise "Pagan superstitions ; "who make use of ma

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"travelling, are tranf "ported from place to " place through the air, " &c." A council held at Rouen, and cited in Burchard, contains a prohibition of the same nature. (Conc. Rotom. L. I. c. 94. sect. 44.) In some places the people are still of opinion, even in ourown days, that witches are carried to their infernal Sabbaths through the midst of the air, on horseback, or at least riding

astride certain animals." (Vid. Keyfler. Antiq. Sept. p. 88, 89.) There are few of our popular superstitions, but what may be traced up to some opinion, which was confecrated by the ancient religion of the • Goths and' Celts. Nor need we always except those, which seem in fome respects to hold a conformity to doctrines or practices, which the Christian religion alone could have taught us. One name substituted for another, and an outside varnish of devotion cannot so difguise their original, but that it is easily discovered by a skilful eye.

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Of Frey and Gerde,

HERE was a man named Gimer, one of the race of the Giants of the mountains; who had had by his wife Orboda, a daughter named Gerde, the most beautiful of her sex. One day FREY having afcended the throne of the Univerfal Father, in order to take a view of the whole world from thence; perceived tawards the north a magnificent palace in the middle of a city, and a woman come out of it, whose hair was so bright, that it gave luftre to the air and the waters. that fight Frey, in just punishment of his audacity in mounting that sacred throne, was ftruck with fudden sadness, infomuch that upon his return home, he could neither speak, nor fleep, nor drink; nor did any body dare so much as to inquire into the cause. However, NIORD ordered Skirner, the confident of Frey, to come to him, and charged him to demand of his



master what sworn enemy he had, that thus he renounced all converse with mankind. Skirner promised to do this, and going to Frey, asked him boldly why he was so sad and filent: Frey answered, That he had feen a young woman so beautiful and finely shaped, that if he could not pofsess her, he should not long survive it; and that this was what rendered him so thoughtful. "Go therefore, adds he, obtain her " for me in marriage, if you bring her to

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me, you shall have in recompence whatever you defire." Skirner undertook to do this if Frey would make him a present of his Sword, which was so good, that it would of itself strow a field with carnage, whenever the owner ordered it. Frey, impatient of delay, immediately made him a present of the sword; and Skirner setting out, obtained the young woman of her relations, who promised that she should follow him within nine nights after his departure, and that the nuptials should be folemnized in a place called Barey. Skirner having reported to Frey the success of his embassy; that God, full of impatience, pronounced these verses. "One night is very long; two nights are " still longer; How then shall I pass the " third ? Many a time hath a whole " month appeared to me shorter than the " half

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" half of such a night." Frey having thus given away his sword, found himself without arms when he fought against Bela; and hence it was, that he flew him with the horn of a stag. Then, said Gangler, It seems to me very aftonishing, that so brave a hero as Frey should give his fword away to another, without keeping one equally good for himself. He must have been in very bad plight, when he encountered with Bela; and I'll be sworn, he repented him heartily. That conflict was trifling, replied Har: Frey could have flain Bela with a blow of his fist, had he had a mind to it. But when the fons of Muspell, those wicked Genii, shall come to fight with the Gods, then he will have reafon to be forry indeed that he parted with his sword.




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