took it in a very grave and serious light. or (c) "To inebriate all "the Heroes."] Wine was very scarce in those times, and almost unknown. BEER was, 'perhaps, a liquor too vulgar for the Heroes †; the EDDA therefore makes them drink Hydromel, MEAD, a beverage in great esteem among all the German nations. The ancient Franks made great use of it. Gregory of Tours, speaking of a certain lord who generally drank it, adds, Ut mos barbarorum habet. Greg. Turon. L. 8. c. 3. place there, are introduced for no other purpose, but to fill their cups. One wild boar furnishes out the whole of this celeftial banquet: for, not very nice, they were only folicitous about the quantity of their food. The flesh of this animal, as well as that of the Hog, was formerly the favourite meat of all these nations. The ancient Franks were no less fond of it; a herd of swine was, in their eyes, an affair of such importance, that the second chapter of the Salic Law, consisting of twenty articles, is wholly taken up in inflicting penalties on those who stole them. In Gregory of Tours, queen Fredegond, in order to alienate the mind of the king from one Nectarius, blackens him with the crime of having stolen a great many Gammons or Hams, from the place where K. Chilperic laid up his provifions. The king did not confider this at all as a laughing matter, but (D) "They cut one " another in pieces."] From this passage of the EDDA, we may form to ourselves an idea of the amusements of the ancient Goths and' Celtes. When they were not engaged in any real war, they endeavoured by the representation of battles, to gratify that fierce difposition which made them + Yet we find in some of the Icelandic odes, the Heroes rejoicing in the expectation that they should quaff BEER out of the sculls of their enemies, when once they were received into Valhall, or the palace of ODIN. See below, Regner Lodbrog's Ode in this Volume. т. fond fond of the profession of arms. "The Goths are " extremely fond of "throwing their darts, " and handling their " arms; and it is their " daily practice, to divert "themselves with mock"fights:" says Ifidore in his Chronic. The fame prevailed among the Gauls and Germans, as is plain from a passage in the fragments of Varro. To this custom we may ascribe the rife and establishment of Justings and Turnaments. There are many institutions of this kind, whose origin is no less ancient, lost in the clouds of a very remote antiquity, whatever fome learned men may affert, who assign them much later eras; not confidering that customs are commonly more ancient than the first historian who speaks of them; and that a new name, or more regular form, which may have been given them, imply not neceffarily their first beginning. In fact, we have never seen, nor ever shall fee, any impor tant custom spring up all at once, and establish itself with success, without there having existed something analogous to it beforehand, to prepare and lead men's minds to adopt it. To return to the PALACE OF ODIN ; in order that the Heroes might repair betimes in the morning to the celestial TiltYard, there was a Cock in the neighbourhood, which awaked them. At the great day of the overthrow of the world, the shrill fcreams of this bird will be the first signal of the approach of the evil Genii. This particular is related in the VOLUSPA, a poem wherein we have fome flashes of true poetic fire, amidst a great deal of smoke. The paffage is this: "That animal which gives such a brilliancy to his "golden creft, hath already pierced with his cries the "abode of the Gods: he hath awakened the Heroes; they run to their arms; they run to the Father of "Armies. To his screams answer, under ground, the " dismal cries of the Black Cock, which dwells in the 66 palace of Death." See Barthol, Antiq. Dan. p. 563 THE TWENTY-FIRST FABLE. Of the Horse Sleipner, and his Origin. G ANGLER asked; Whence comes the horse Sleipner, which you mentioned; and to whom does he belong? Har replied, His origin is very wonderful. One day a certain architect came, and offered his service to the Gods, to build them, in. the space of two years, a city so well fortified that they should be perfectly safe from the incursions of the Giants, even although they should have already penetrated within the inclofure of Midgard; but he demanded for his reward the Goddess Freya, together with the Sun and Moon. After long deliberation, the Gods agreed to his terms, provided he would finish the whole himself without any one's assistance; and all within the space of one single winter. But if any thing should remain to be finished on the first day of summer, he should intirely forfeit the recompense agreed on. On being ac acquainted with this, the architect skipulated that he should be allowed the use of his horse. And to this the Gods, by the advice of Loke, assented. This agreement was confirmed by many oaths, and concluded in the prefence of many witnesses; for without this precaution, a Giant would not have thought himself safe among the Gods, especially if Thor had been returned from the expedition he had then taken into the east, to conquer the Giants. From the very first night then this workman caused his horse to draw stones of an immenfe bulk; and the Gods saw with surprize, that this creature did much more work, than his master himself. The winter however was far advanced, and towards the latter end of it, this impregnable city had almost attained the summit of perfection. In short, when the full time was now expired all but three days, nothing was wanting to compleat the work, except the gates, which were not yet put up. Then the Gods entered into confultation, and inquired of one another who among them it was that could have advifed to marry Freya into the country of the Giants; and to plunge the sky and heavens into darkness, by permitting the Sun and Moon to be carried away. They all agreed that Loke was the author of that bad counfel, and that he should be put to a most VOL. II. cruel I cruel death, if he did not contrive some way or other to prevent the workman from accomplishing his undertaking, and obtaining the promised reward. Immediately they laid hands on Loke; who in his fright, promised upon oath to do whatever they defired, let it cost him what it would. That very night, while the architect was employing his horse, as usual, to convey stones to the place, there suddenly leaped forth a mare from the neighbouring foreft, which allured the horse with her neighings. That animal no fooner faw her, but giving way to his ardour, he broke his bridle, and began to run after the mare. This obliged the workman also to run after his horse, and thus, between one and the other, the whole night was lost, so that the progress of the work must have been delayed till next morning. Then the architect perceiving that he had no other means to finish his undertaking, refumed his own proper shape and dimensions; and the Gods now clearly perceiving that it was really a Giant with whom they had made their contract, paid no longer any regard to their oath *, but * The Gothic Deities seem to be guided by no - very nice principles of Morality, any more than those of the Greeks and Romans. It is needless to obferve what a drealful effect, such an example as the above, must have on the conduct of their blind votaries. T. calling |