: pleat portrait of the age, of the world, and of mankind. It is a wonder if we shall not foon bring ourselves to believe, that there is no other mode of existence but that in which we ourselves fubfift. And yet there never was a time, when the public was more greedy after novelty : But where do men for the most part seek for it? In new combinations of ancient thoughts. They examine words and phrases through a microscope: They turn their old stock of books over and over again: They resemble an architect, who should think of building a city by erecting fucceffively different houses with the same materials. If we would ferioufly form new conclufions, and acquire new ideas, let us make new observations. In the moral and political world, as well as in the natural, there is no other way to arrive at truth. We must study the languages, the books, and the men of every age and country; and draw from these the only true sources of the 'knowledge of mankind. This study, fo pleasant and so interesting, is a mine as rich as it has been neglected. The ties and bands of connection, which unite together the different nations of Europe, grow every day stronger and closer. We live in the bosom of one great repubLic, (composed of the several European kingdoms) 1 doms) and we ought not to despise any of the means which enable us to understand it thoroughly: Nor can we properly judge of its present improved state, without looking back upon the rude beginnings from which it hath emerged *. * The Translator hath concluded this Introduction in a manner somewhat different from his Author, as he had taken occafion to give some Remarks on the French Language, that would have been useless in an English Version, and had spoke of his Work with a degree of diffidence, which could now be spared, after it has received such full applause from the Public. т. Ν. Β. N. B. RESENNIUS's Edition of the EDDA, &c. confifts properly of Three distinct Publications: The FIRST contains the whole EDDA: Viz. not only the XXXIII FABLES, which are here translated; but also the other FABLES, (XXIX in number) which our Author calls in pag. 183. the Second Part of the EDDA, though in the original they follow without interruption; and also the Poetical Dicrionary described below in pag. xix. and 189, which is most properly the SECOND PART of the EDDA. (vid. p. xix.) The Title Page of this whole Work is as follows, "EDDA ISLANDORUM An. Chr. M.CC.XV Islandicé Confcripta per SNORRONEM STURLA Islandiæ Nomophylacem, Nunc primum ISLANDICE, DANICE et LATINÉ ex Antiquis Codicibus MSS. Bibliothecæ Regis et Aliorum in lucem prodit, Opera et Studio PETRI RESENIJ. J. V. D. Juris ac Ethices Profefforis Publ. et Confulis Havnienfis, &c. HAVNIA, M.DC.LX.V." 4to. The SECOND Work is thus intitled, "PHILOSOPHIA Antiquissima NORVEGO-DANICA dicta Uoluspa, quæ est pars EDDA SÆMUNDI, EDDA Snorronis non brevi antiquioris, ISLANDICÉ et LATINÉ publici juris primum facta à PETRO JOH. RESENIO. &c. HAVNIE M.DC.LXV." 4to. The THIRD Piece is intitled thus, " ETHICA ODINI pars EDDA SAMUNDI vocata Haavamaal, una cum ejufdem Appendice appellato Runa Capitule, a multis exoptata nunc tandem IsLANDICÉ et LATINÉ in lucem producta est per PETRUM JOH. RESENIUM, &C. HAVNIE 1665." 4to. THE ; 4 EDDA, OR, ANCIENT ICELANDIC MYTHOLOGY. The Vision of Gylfe: and Illusions of Har. F ORMERLY in Sweden reigned a king named GYLFE, who was famous for his wisdom and skill in magic. He beheld, with astonishment, the great respect which all his people shewed to the New-comers from Afia; and was at a loss whether to attribute the success of these strangers to the superiority of their natural abilities, or to any divine power resident in them. To be fatisfied in this particular, he resolved to go to ASGARD (A), disguifed under the appearance of an old man of ordinary rank. But the Afiatics * were too The original is Æfirnir, (Afe) which fignifies either Gods or Afiatics. T. VOL. II. A difcerning not to fee through his design, and therefore, as foon as he arrived, they fascinated his eyes by their inchantments (B). Immediately appeared to his fight a very lofty palace; the roof of which, as far as his eyes could reach, was covered with golden shields. The poet Diodolfe thus describes it, "The Gods had formed "the roof of brilliant gold, the walls of "stone, the foundations of the hall were " mountains (c)." At the entrance of this palace GYLFE faw a man playing with seven little swords, which he amused himself with toffing into the air and catching as they fell, one after another. This person asked his name; the disguised monarch told him, it was Gangler, and that he came from the rocks of Riphil. He asked, in his turn, to whom that palace belonged? The other told him it belonged to their king, and that he would introduce him to his presence. Gangler entering, faw many stately buildings, and innumerable halls crouded with people; some drinking, others engaged in various fports, others wrestling. Gangler seeing a multitude of things, the meaning of which he could not comprehend, softly pronounced the following verses. Carefully ex 66 amine all the gates, before thou advancest " further; for thou canst not tell where * the foes may be fitting, who are placed " in |