ings, of human shape, remarkable for their riches, their activity and malevolence. In many countries of the north, the people are still firmly persuaded of their existence. In Iceland, at this day, the good folks shew the very rocks and hills, in which they maintain that there are swarms of these small fubterraneous men, of the most tiny fize, but most delicate figures. 1 rally, throughout this work, used the French word Fees, (i. e. FAIRIES) to fignify, not the little imaginary dwarfish beings, to which we appropriate the word; but to express the Fates or Destinies; or those inferior female Divinities that are afsigned to watch over the lives and fortunes of individuals. In this he seems rather to have had an eye to the Oriental fables, than to those of genuine Gothic origin: however, the duty of a tranflator requiring me to follow him, I beg leave here to apprize the reader of this our author's application of the word, T. THE : THE EIGHTH FABLE. Of the Holy City, or Residence of the Gods. G ANGLER demanded: Which is the capital of the Gods, or the facred city? Har answers, It is under the Ash Ydrafil; where the Gods assemble every day, and administer justice (A). But, says Gangler, What is there remarkable with regard to that place? That Ash, says Jafnhar, is the greatest and best of all trees. Its branches extend themselves over the whole world, and reach above the heavens. It hath three roots, extremely diftant from each other: the one of them is among the Gods; the other among the Giants, in that very place where the abyss was formerly; the third covers Niflheim, or Hell; and under this root is the fountain Vergelmer, whence flow the infernal rivers: this root is gnawed upon below by the monstrous ferpent Nidhoger. Under that root, which stretches out towards the land VOL. II. E of 1 of the Giants, is also a celebrated spring, in which are concealed Wisdom and Prudence. He who has possession of it is named Mimis; he is full of wisdom, because he drinks thereof every morning. One day the Universal Father came and begged to drink a cup of this water; but he was obliged to leave in pledge for it one of his eyes, according as it is said in the VOLUSPA: "Where hast thou concealed "thine eye, ODIN? I know where; " even in the limpid fountain of Mimis. " Every morning does Mimis pour Hy" dromel (or Mead) upon the pledge he " received from the Universal Father. Do "you, or do you not, understand this? " (B)." The third root of the Ash is in heaven, and under it lies the holy fountain of TIME-PAST. 'Tis here that the Gods fit in judgment. Every day they ride hither on horseback, paffing over the Rainbow, which is the bridge of the Gods. These are the names of the horses of the Gods: Sleipner is the best of them; he hath eight feet, and he belongs to Odin. The others are Glader, Gyller, &c. The horse of the God Balder, was burnt along with his master. As for Thor, he goes on foot to the tribunal of the Gods, and fords the rivers Kormt, Gormt, &c. All these is he obliged to cross every day on foot, foot, in his way to the Ash Ydrafil; for the Bridge of the Gods is all on fire. How comes it to pass, interrupted Gangler, that the Bridge Bifrost is on fire? That, says Har, which you see red in the Rainbow, is the fire which burns in heaven: for the Giants of the mountains would climb up to heaven by that Bridge, if it were easy for every one to walk over it. There are in heaven a great many pleasant cities, and none without a divine garrifon. Near the fountain, which is under the Ash, stands a very beautiful city, wherein dwell three virgins, named Urda, or the PAST; Verdandi, or the PRESENT; and Sskulda, or the FUTURE. These are they who dispense the ages of men; they are called Nornies, that is, Fairies *, or Destinies. But there are indeed a great many others, besides these, who affift at the birth of every child, to determine his fate. Some are of celestial origin; others descend from the Genii; and others from the Dwarfs: as it is said in these verses, "There are Nornies of different originals: " some proceed from the Gods, fome from "the Genii, and others from the Dwarfs." -Then, says Gangler, if these Nornies dif * Nornir, Ifl. is rather Fates, or Destinies, Parca. I have therefore chose to retain the original word in fome of the following passages rather than render it FAIRIES, after M. Mallet. E 2 т. pense 1 1 pense the destinies of men, they are very unequal in their distribution; for fome are fortunate and wealthy, others acquire neither riches nor honours; some come to a good old age, while others die in their prime of life. Har answers, The Nornies, who are sprung of a good origin, are good themselves, and dispense good destinies : but those men to whom misfortunes happen, ought to afcribe them to the evil Nornies or Fairies (c). Gangler proceeds, and defires to know something more concerning the Ash. Har replied, What I have farther to add *concerning it is, that there is an eagle perched upon its branches, who knows a multitude of things: but he hath between his eyes a sparrow-hawk. A squirrel runs up and down the Ash, fowing misunderstanding between the eagle and the ferpent, which lies concealed at its root. Four stags run across the branches of the tree, and devour its rind. There are so many serpents in the fountain whence spring the rivers of hell, that no tongue can recount them, as it is said in these verses. "large Ash suffers more than man would " believe. A stag eats and spoils it above; "it rots on the fides; while a ferpent [ "The gnaws and corrodes it below." And also in these, " Under the great Ash are many " ferpents, &c." They relate besides, that the Fairies or Destinies who refide near the : foun 4 : |