AMERICAN DOCTRINAL TRACT SOCIETY. PERKINS & MARVIN, AGENTS. Depository, 114, Washington Street, Boston. ....... 2. Mankind Utterly Depraved by the Fall of Adam. 4. Slanderous Reports Refuted. 5. Objections to Prayer answered. 8. Doctrine of Election illustrated and established. 9. Purifying Influence of the Christian Hope. 10. Personality and Offices of the Holy Spirit. 11. Things Secret and Things Revealed. 12. Disappointment in the Last Day. 13. Nature and Influence of Faith. 14. Plea of Sinners against Endless Punishment. 15. Sinners Wilful and Perverse. 16. Love Thyself and thy Neighbor. 17. The Prayer of Faith. 18. All for the Best. 19. Renewal of Sinners the work of Divine Power. 20. The Bible the only sure test of Religious Char- acter. 21. Duties of Parents. |