The Imagined World Made Real: Towards a Natural Science of CultureRutgers University Press, 2003 - 300 من الصفحات Can the insights of science provide a proper understanding of human culture, or must we leave the analysis of culture to the so-called humanities? The Imagined World Made Real changes this by showing how a grasp of human evolution extends the reach of science. Henry Plotkin recognizes that at the heart of human culture are social constructs, such as justice and money, and that collective beliefs, values, and actions are essential to their formation and maintenance. Only when these constructs are integrated into an accepted biological framework will there be a true synthesis between the social and natural sciences. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-4 من 4
... Niche construction 213 217 220 Suggested Readings 231 242 246 7 The Strangeness of Culture 248 The construction of social reality 251 A sociological turn 259 Social representations 266 Cultural psychology 273 A tentative conclusion 283 ...
عذرًا، محتوى هذه الصفحة مقيَّد.
عذرًا، محتوى هذه الصفحة مقيَّد.
... niche construction 244-6 nine - month revolution 198 obedience 208 objectification 268-9 objectivation 260 , 262 , 264 , 265 Odling - Smee , John 244-5 ontogenetic ritualization 184 operators 231 orang - utan , imitation by 182 order ...
Marrying the Biological and Social Sciences | 1 |
The Evolution of Intelligence | 47 |
The Emergence of Culture | 95 |
Naturalizing Culture the Process Way | 120 |
Causal Mechanisms | 161 |
What those mechanisms may be | 171 |
Individuals Groups and Culture | 213 |
selection | 231 |
The Strangeness of Culture | 248 |
A tentative conclusion | 283 |