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to prepare for your own departure. Mav a merciful God, who hath broken, heal you, and he who hath wounded, bind you up. Brethren, we commend you to God, and the power of his grace, who is able to build you up, and finally give you an inheritance among them which are sanctified through faith in the Redeemer.

4. I am naturally led, on this occasion, to address myself in a few words, to my fathers and brethren in the work of the ministry.

Reverend Sirs,

Not only one of our fellow-mortals is called away by death, but also a fellow-labourer in the vineyard of God. Not only a man, a Christian, but an eminent minister of the Gospel. He was intrusted with a like office as we; he was engaged in the same cause with us. But neither his office, nor his eminence, could secure him from the stroke of death. May we not justly lament over this man of God in the expressive language of Elisha, as he saw the prophet Elijah ascending from earth to heaven-My Father, my Father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. Well may we cry out, Our fathers, where are they; and the prophets, do they live for ever? Hereby are we solemnly admonished that we must die. How doth it become us to shake off sloth, and be active in our Master's work! We are intrusted not only with the care of our own souls, but also the souls of our people. Let us awake to the greatest of all concerns the salvation of men. It should be our care to follow the example of Christ, that we may be patterns to our flocks in virtue and true piety. How ought love to God and benevolence to men to excite us to discharge the duties of our office with fidelity! Let us keep future realities much in view, and with an eye to the day when we must give an account of our stewardship, let us pray for our flocks, warn sinners of impending destruction, and exert ourselves as under-shepherds, to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God. Let us pursue them to the gates of death with our entreaties and admonitions. Let us cry aloud, and not spare, lift up our voices like trumpets, and show sinners their. transgressions and sins. Knowing the terrors of the Lord, let us persuade men to be reconciled to God. With bowels of compassion and tenderness, let us feed the sheep and lambs of Christ's flock with the sincere milk of the word, that they may grow thereby. Let us take heed to ourselves and to our doctrine, and continue in them; for in so doing, we shall both save ourselves and those that hear us. And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, we shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.

To conclude. Let one and all lay it to heart, that they must die; and now in this their day, attend to the things which belong to their peace, lest they be hid from their eyes. AMEN.


THE principal design of publishing memoirs of men eminent in knowledge and piety, is the benefit of survivors through the influence of example. With this view, the following sketches are presented to the reader.

The editor enters on the work with diffidence; but he owes it to the memory of his venerable friend, to such as shall read his theological writings, and to the Churches of Christ.

The summary of Dr. Bellamy's character as a Christian and Minister, in the preceding discourse, was all that was necessary, or, perhaps, proper, on that solemn occasion. To those who were personally, and many of them intimately acquainted, it was sufficient. The following particulars are subjoined for the information of strangers.

The Reverend Dr. JOSEPH BELLAMY, was born at NewCheshire, in the county of New-Haven, of reputable parents, in the year 1719. His early days were devoted to literature; and at the age of sixteen years, he was graduated at YaleCollege, in New-Haven. The course of his academical studies being finished, he retired from the university. And, from his private writings*, which were begun about this time, it appears that it was not long, after his removal from NewHaven, before he became the subject of those serious impressions, which we have abundant reason to believe, issued in a saving conversion.

From this period he consecrated his talents and studies to the evangelical ministry. At about the age of eighteen, he passed the usual examination before the Association of NewHaven county, and received their recommendation as a can


Among the Doctor's papers is found a journal, containing an account of his life, religious exercises, &c. which he had kept, a number of years, for the assistance of serious reflection in his own breast. Extracts from these private writings, together with the publications of several tracts of his, on important subjects, might better illustrate the character above attempted, but cannot have room in this Appendix.

didate for the gospel ministry. He preached in several congregations to good acceptance, and with hopeful success. But a distinguishing blessing attended his ministry, to the people of Bethlem, in the town of Woodbury. A large proportion of this infant society appeared to be awakened to a becoming sense of religion. The congregation, though small, could by no means be reconciled to part with the man, by whose ministry so many of them thought they had been conducted to a saving knowledge of the truth. After much deliberation, prayer, and consultation with his fathers in the ministry, he determined to accept their call; and was accordingly ordained to the gospel ministry, and the pastoral office over the church in Bethlem, in the spring of 1740. In this retirement from the world, he devoted himself, with uncommon ardour, to his studies, and the duties of his office among his people, till the memorable revival of religion in New-England, and other parts of America, as well as Europe, which began in 1740, and was most conspicuous in 1742.From that time he could not be contented to tarry at home. The spirit of ardent piety, which had marked his path for several years, kindled on this occasion into a flame. Seeing the fields white unto harvest, he thought he had a divine call to more extensive labours. Taking care that his own pulpit should be vacant as little as possible, he devoted a considerable portion of his time, for several years, to itinerating, in different parts of Connecticut and the neighbouring Coloniespreaching the gospel daily, and, often, repeatedly in a daymultitudes flocking to hear the word, and crowding to his lodgings for private instructions. Such appearances were exceedingly common in that happy season of the plentiful effusions of divine grace. And the many faithful labourers who, like the Doctor, were engaged in that most delightful service, found the work growing on their hands, and had the most animating prospeet of success.

During the continuance of this extraordinary attention to religion in the land, Dr. Bellamy persevered in unremitted labours, desirous, as far as possible, to "preach the gospel to every creature." And, as far as man could judge, he was instrumental of the saving conversion of many, and of building them up in the most holy faith. It is, however, to be acknowledged, with deep humiliation, that the latter part of that wonderful season was by no means equal to the expectations of its pious friends. In the early stages of the work, it seemed to be happily free from impure mixtures. And many pious ministers were ready to believe that the latter day glory of the church was dawning. But towards the conclusion of those religious operations, the prospect began sensibly to decline. Satan, who had in vain attempted to put a stop to this good work by open opposition, at length transformed himself into an angel of light. This produced a flood of enthusiasm and false religion, under various names. Many ignorant and vain pretenders to uncommon attainments in religion, set up for public teachers; divisions and separations were multiplied; the religious awakening declined fast; the enemy triumphed; and the friends of Zion mourned.

The prospect of any considerable usefulness, from itinerating, being now clouded, Mr. Bellamy, as well as others, returned to a more constant attention to his own charge. At this time he entered on the important task of writing his piece, entitled, True Religion delineated. Though but a youth at this time, he seems to have been peculiarly qualified for a work of this kind: Not only from his distinguished abilities, ardent piety, great diligence in treasuring up theological knowledge, and an intimate acquaintance with some of the most eminent Divines then in New-England, especially the Reverend Jonathan Edwards, whose praise is still in our churches; but also from the uncommon attention which he had given to the marks of distinction between true and false religion, in judging of his own sincerity, from the first of his religious impressions; and from his very extensive acquaintance with persons under all kinds of religious operations, during the remarkable out-pourings of GOD'S Spirit, referred to above. This book was printed about the year 1750, was well received, and has lately been re-printed in Scotland.

From this period, his abilities, as a divine, became more conspicuous: and young gentlemen, who were preparing for the gospel ministry, applied to him as a teacher. He conti

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