صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


-to comfort, establish, and edify experienced Christians in the truth-and to promote practical piety and godliness.


Minister of the Gospel at Geneva, State of New-York.

Extract from a review of Dr. BELLAMY'S "True Religion De lineated," in the London Evangelical Magazine.

"The value of Dr. BELLAMY's writings is already well known to the religious world: but we are obliged to the Rev. AN DREW FULLER for his history and recommendation of this work: which, we hope, will introduce it to those persons who are yet unacquainted with it. The Author's leading object is, to discriminate between the Law and the Gospel : and to define and illustrate the duties which they respectively require. We hope that the circulation of this volume will be as extensive as its contents are interesting and important; and that STUDENTS of DIVINITY especially, will avail themselves of the information. which it contains."



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From any love whatsoever, that arises merely from self-love.



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Various questions occasionally considered in the first discourse.

Is it any matter what men's principles are, if their lives are but good?
Will speculative ideas of God beget a sense of his amiableness, in a heart that


has no taste for moral beauty ?


Does all our enmity against God arise merely from our conceiving him to
be our enemy ?


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What is it that brings awakened sinners to take all the blame to themselves,
and justify GOD?



Is it natural or contracted?


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Why are sinners so averse to the true knowledge of God, and so blind to his

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What good does it do for sinners to use the means of grace ?

225, 423

What is the shortest and easiest method to bring the main controversies be-

tween Arminians and Calvinists to a final issue?

240, 254

In what sense are wicked men ignorant of their own hearts?

Why does a sight of the strictness of the law discourage hypocrites, and kill

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The Gospel-way of salvation perfectly adapted to make men holy. 460-61

Various questions occasionally considered in the second discourse.

What was implied in the death threatened to Adam ?


What is the difference between the law of nature and the first covenant ?

304, 320, 458

What is it that does most commonly convince men of the doctrine of origin-
al sin?


Why is original sin no oftener spoken of in scripture ?

220, 314

Were we by the fall brought into a state of being worse than not to be?

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Does it render sin a less evil, or take away its natural ill desert ?


Does it move the divine compassion ?


Are the elect, before faith, as much under the wrath of God as others, not-

withstanding the satisfaction of Christ ?

124, 378

Wherein consists our need of CHRIST, and when is it seen ?


Why was Adam placed in a state of probation ?


Is a state of probation consistent with God's making his creatures' happiness
his last end?


Are all the comman mercies, which mankind enjoy, the effects of CHRIST'S


In what sense did CHRIST die for all the world?


And in what sense only for the elect ?


Is a confirmed habit of grace before the first act of faith, or after?


Does faith consist in believing that my sins are forgiven ?

125, 378, 444

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