The numerous instances of the occurrence of rare British Vertebrates which have been recorded in the pages of this Journal during 1881 afford evidence of the increased attention which is being paid throughout the country to the study of Natural History, and to outdoor observation of the habits of animals. Indeed the number and importance of these records, extending as they now do through thirty-nine volumes of The Zoologist,' have long suggested to the Editor the desirability of preparing for publication a General Index. The utility of such a publication, it is believed, would be undisputed, but as its preparation would be attended with considerable labour and expense, it is not a work to be hastily undertaken. Assuming that a General Index might be produced at a cost to subscribers of 20s., it is perhaps not unreasonable to suppose that a sufficient number of copies would be taken to pay expenses. On this point Mr. Newman, the proprietor of The Zoologist,' would be glad to receive assurances of support; he would be ready to undertake such an Index if about 200 copies were subscribed for. The Index, compiled on the lines of the annual Index, but with additional references (especially to counties and localities), and made to accord as nearly as may be with the rules of the Index Society, would (if printed in small type) extend to about the size of the present annual volume. The Editor would welcome any hints or suggestions from contributors as to the form which in their opinion the Index should assume, for he feels that he cannot do better than consult the views of those for whose use and benefit the Index is intended. CONTENTS. APLIN, F. C. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. Hobby nesting in Oxfordshire, Birds and telegraph-wires, 492; Jackdaw versus Chough in Kirk- Redwing nesting in Perthshire, 472 BACKHOUSE, JAMES, Jun. Storm Petrels in Yorkshire, 27; Are Seals born blind? 383 Flight of the Albatross, 208 Snow Buntings in Co. Kildare, 66 Little Gull in the Mersey, 27 BRIGGS, T. R. ARCHER, F.L.S. BROWN, J. A. H., F.R.S.E., F.Z.S. The past and present distribution of some of the rarer animals of Scotland, 8, 81, 161; Late stay bright, 54; On the occurrence in CAMBRIDGE, Rev. O. P., M.A. Osprey in Dorsetshire, 262; Long- eared Owl breeding in Dorset- On the occurrence of the White- Jersey fishes, 28; Poisonous quali- CARRINGTON, JOHN T., & E. LOVETT Notes and observations on British Stalk-eyed Crustacea, 97, 137, The land and fresh-water shells of the neighbourhood of York, 175, in Cambridgeshire, 336 CLARKE, W. EAGLE Occurrence of the Rustic Bunting Thresher Shark on the Cornish COBBOLD, T. SPENCER, M.D., F.R.S. COCKS, ALFRED HENEAGE, F.Z.S. CORBIN, G. B. On the habits and migration of the the Wheatear in Kirkcudbright, 55; Breeding range of the Snow Bunting, 104; On the spring East Coast in 1881, 326; Notes The Mackerel season in Cornwall, Mullet off the Cornish coast in 213; Unusual weight of a Crab, fishes on the Cornish coast, 385; Pilchards on the Cornish coast, 387; Garganey and Spotted Red- shank in Cornwall, 423; Osprey Storm Petrel near Wendover, 68 Rough-legged Buzzard in Surrey, DALGLEISH, JOHN J. Late appearance of the Great Grey Blue-throated Warbler at Dart- On Asiatic Blowpipe Fishes, 91; Remora, or Sucking-fish, off the Cornish coast, 338; Rare fishes on the Cornish coast, 338, 385; Additions to the British Fish Petrels on the Lincolnshire coast, DUNCOMBE, Hon. CECIL Squirrels swimming, 206 FISHER, P. LIONEL "Humming" of the Snipe, 212 Early arrival of the Chiffchaff in FORAN, CHARLES The Boar-fish at Eastbourne, 263 Great Northern Diver in Somer- Red-crested Duck in Co. Kerry, An albino White-tailed Eagle, 145; Ornithological notes from Devon beagle Shark off Plymouth, 425 GODWIN-AUSTEN, Lieut.-Col., F.R.S. 384; On the acclimatisation of GURNEY, J. H., Jun., F.Z.S. trels nesting in holes of trees, in North America, 470; Ornitho- logical notes from East Norfolk, HADFIELD, Capt. HENRY Brambling in the Isle of Wight, 65; On the flight of the Flying- fish, 68; Ornithological notes HAMILTON, EDWARD, M.D., F.L.S. HAMMOND, W. OXENDEN Breeding range of the Snow Bunt- Shore Lark near Scarborough, 146; posed occurrence of the Crane on the promontory of Howth, near 336; Red-deer formerly in Co. HART, HERBERT PASSINGHAM in Cornwall, 67 HARTING, J. E., F.L.S., F.Z.S. Late stay of the Wheatear in Kirk- cudbright, 55; Swallows in De- for flies, 64; Memoir of the late John Gould, F.R.S., 109; On the Wheatear in Scotland, 146; Me- moir of the late E. R. Alston, 147; Extinct British Quadrupeds, 273; 308; On the reported occurrence Pied-billed Grebe, 334; Cornish wall, 384; The Annals of Irish HEWETT, W. Starling and Stock Dove laying in the same nest, 65; Teal nesting Brighton, 471; Honey Buzzard 419; Food of the Short-tailed LILFORD, Right Hon. Lord, F.L.S. Tern on the Norfolk coast, 26; Ornithological notes from North- Red-winged Starling in Hertford- Water Newts in the Co. Cork, 337 LOVETT, E., & JOHN T. CARRINGTON Notes and observations on British Stalk-eyed Crustacea, 97, 137, Song of the Woodchat Shrike, 492 Little Bustard in North Devon, MATHEW, Rev. M. A., M.A., F.L.S. Rare birds in Somersetshire, 309; Habits of the Storm Petrel in MATTHEWS, Rev. A., M.A. On the food and habits of the NEWTON, Prof. ALFRED, M.A., F.R.S. Notes on the food of birds, 313, PARKER, CHARLES A., M.D. Nesting habits of the Common Basking Shark in Torquay Har- PHILLIPS, E. CAMBRIDGE The birds of Breconshire, 402 On the habits of the Kea, or Moun- PRYER, W. B., C.M.Z.S. Animal life in Borneo, 393 Appearance of the Blackcap in PURNELL, W. Late stay of Swifts, 424 Water Rats carrying their young, Great Grey Shrike in Yorkshire, 27 Flight of the Albatross, 209 SCHLEGEL, Prof. H. On the winter nest of the Harvest SERVICE, ROBERT Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, 61; Squirrel descending to feed with SIM, GEORGE Glossy Ibis in Aberdeenshire, 26: SMITH, CECIL, F.Z.S. The Marten in North Wales, 419; SMITH, Rev. C. FULLERTON SPICER, JOHN W. G. Birds eating Slugs, 383 The Mollusca of the Isle of Man, TUCK, Rev. JULIAN Ornithological notes from Alde- Wildfowl in Co. Waterford, 144; Crane at Scilly, 213 Ornithological notes from Mayo Peculiar nesting of the Blackbird, 212 Ornithological notes from Dublin, Buff variety of the Common Snipe, WILLMORE, JOHN H. Wren's nest in January, 108 The food of Blackbirds, 335 |