And surely your blood of your lives will I require: at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. 6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed:... The works of ... Benjamin Whichcote - الصفحة 300بواسطة Benjamin Whichcote - 1751عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
 | 1705 - عدد الصفحات: 522
...your lives will! rf quire: at the hand of every be.t(t will I require it ; and at the hand of niau, at the hand of every mans brother will I require the life of man. 6 Whofo fheddech mans blood, byman (hall his blood be died : for in tie image of God made be man. 7... | |
 | Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - عدد الصفحات: 352
...made he Man. e Surely, faith God, the Blood of your Lives will I require. At the Hand of every Bead will I require it ; and, at the Hand of Man, at the Hand of every Man's Brother, will I require the Life of Man. f If any Man hate his Neighbour, and lie in wait for... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1730 - عدد الصفحات: 332
...fliall you not eat. 5 And furely your Blood of your Lives will I require : at the Hand of every Beaft will I require it ; and at the Hand of Man, at the Hand of every Man's Brother will I require the Life of Man. 6 i Whofo flieddeth Man's ' **•*• « n Thou fhak... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - عدد الصفحات: 764
...fhall you not eat. 5 And furely your Blood of your Lives will I require : « the Hand" of every Beaft will I require it ; and at the Hand of Man, at the Hand of every Man's Brother will I require the Life of Man. 6 ' Whofo fheddeth Man's ' **°<<- «• '3 Thou flult... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1745 - عدد الصفحات: 40
...juft after the Flood. Surely your Blood of your Lives will I require $ at the Hand of every Beaftwill I require it \ and at the Hand of Man, at the Hand of every Man's Brother will I require the Life of Man -{-. When God reproved Cain for this Sin, he told him,... | |
 | Benjamin Whichcote - 1751 - عدد الصفحات: 420
...own image.And for this reafon, God faith he will require the life of man, at the hand of every bea/I will I require it, and at the hand of man, at the hand of every man's brother will I require tht life of man : whofo Jkeddeih <mans blood, by man Jhatthis blood bejhed... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1776 - عدد الصفحات: 232
...?t6 the1 YJfewSj Was denounced as the moft heinous,^-— and reprefented as moft unpardonable. — At the hand of every man*s brother will I require the life of man, — Whofo fhedderh man's blood, by man fhall his blood .be fhed.-iYe mail take no fatisfadtion for the •life... | |
 | Joseph Priestley - 1782 - عدد الصفحات: 478
...mail you not eat. And furely your blood " of your lives will I require : at the hand " of every beaft will I require it, and at the " hand of man, at the hand of every man's > " brother " brother will I require the life of man. " Whofo meddeth man's blood, by man *'... | |
 | 1788 - عدد الصفحات: 598
...fhall ye not eat. 5 And furely your blood of your lives will I require : at the hand of every beaft will I require it; and at the hand of man, at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. 6 Whofo fheddeth man's blood, by man fhall his blood... | |
 | 1790 - عدد الصفحات: 504
...they delivered. ' 5 And furely your blood of your lives will 1 require ; at' the hand of every beaft will I require it; and at the hand of man, at the hand of every man's brother, will I require the life of man. :-' * 10 And 'with every living creature that is with... | |
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