THE CONTENT S. SERMON CVII, CVIII. The Commencement of all Saving Bleffings, HAG. ii. 19. From this day will I blefs you. 9 The words being confidered in their connection, divided and explained, and the spiritual meaning contained in them given in a doctrinal propofition, the following topics are difcuffed, viz. 1. What this fpiritual temple is, 2. What is the foundation thereof, 3. How this foundation is laid, 13 17 22 4. The day defcribed in which the foundation is laid, and from which bleffings take their date, 5. What the bleffings are which commence from this day, (3.) Of examination, both to unbelievers and believers, 26 32 36 39 ibid. 45 52 Glad Tidings in Sad Times; or, the City of God, in Times of Trouble and Confufion, watered with the river of Confolation, 62 PSALM xlvi 4. There is a river, the ftreams whereof make glad the city of God. After a brief introduction, clear analization, and fuccinct explication of the words, and a doctrinal propofition raised from them, the following heads of method are propofed, viz. 1. To speak of the city of God, 63 2. To thew what thefe fad times are, that put the city of God in confufion, 70 3. To enquire what grounds of encouragement the city of God hath in thefe fad times, 4. To deduce fome inferences for the application, (2.) Of examination, in feven particulars, 72 79 ibid. 84. 88 SERMON CX,-CXIII. GAL. ii. 20. I am crucified with Chrift: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Chrift liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. The verfe being divided and explained, and the former part of it opened 1. The doctrine illustrated by a chain of instances, 2. The truth of it confirmed by an induction of particulars, The Second doctrine is, "That it is the property of true faith to en- ડ me, me, by particular application." And from this propofition, . To enquire into the import of this particularizing property of faith, 2. To fhew on what grounds faith makes this particular application, 136 3. To affign the reafons why faith hath, and must have, this appropri- 4. To deduce fome inferences for the application, Ufe (1.) For information, in four inferences, EZEK. xvi. 63. That thou mayeft remember, and be con- founded, and never open thy mouth any more, because of thy fhame, when I am pacified towards thee, for all that thou haft done, faith the Lord. The words being viewed in their connection, explained, and a doctrinal 1. To fpeak a little concerning this humiliation, 2. Confider the fpring of it, viz. God's being pacified, Page 160 165 3. Point out the connection between them; or, the influence that the view of God's being pacified, hath upon this humiliation, 4. The application of the fubject, in ten inferences, SERMON CXV. The Word of Salvation fent to Sinners, 167 170 177 ACTS xiv. 26.-To you is the word of this falvation fent. The words being explained, and a doctrine raifed from them, the following things are propofed, viz. 1. To fpeak concerning this falvation, 2. 3. of the word of falvation, of the fending of this word, 4. To make application of the whole, in ten inferences, 179 180 182 183 Gospel-Compulfion; or, Minifterial Power and Au LUKE XIV. 23.-Compel them to come in, that my boufe may be filled. The words being viewed in their feope, divided and explained, and a doctrinal propofition raifed from them, the following topics of difcourfe are propofed, viz. 1. To speak of the minitterial commiffion and authority imported in this word, Compel them, (1.) Who have this authority to compel, 199 ibid. 201 203 2. To enquire into the end and defign of it, viz. that they come in, 209 3. To fpeak of the reafons thereof, namely, that his boufe may be filled, 4. To deduce ten inferences for the application of the subject, A variety of arguments aduced to inforce the duty, 212 218 228 An appendix, containing fundry confiderations and advices to the people, fuddenly deprived of their minifter, SERMON CXVII, CXVIII, 234 The Fountain-Head of all Bleffings; or, the great Store-Houfe opened, 2 CORT V. 18.-All things are of God. 249 After viewing the words in their fcope and connection, and clothing them with a doctrinal obfervation, the following general heads of method are profecuted, viz. 1. To mention fome of these all things, relating to the new creation, 4. To make application of the whole subject, in feveral inferences, 261 That effectual calling and juftification are of God, That fanct fication, and every thing relating to it, is of God, proved GEN. xlix. 19. Gad, a troop shall overcome him; but be The fcope and connection of the words having been confidered, and 1. To fpeak of the foils which the Ifrael of God meet with; fhew what are the troops that defeat them in this world; and how far thefe troops may overcome them, 2. To speak a little of their victory, and how far they may be faid 3. To affign fome reafons of the doctrine, fhewing why they are many times overcome, and why they shall overcome at the last, 4. To make application of the whole fubject, by deducing ten ACTS vii. 34. I have seen, I have feen the affliction of my people which is in Egypt; and I have heard their groaning, and am come down to deliver them. And now come, I will fend thee into Egypt. After the words are viewed in their scope, and analized, the following |