0 THE SCHOOL-BOY; OR, A GUIDE FOR YOUTH TO TRUTH AND DUTY. BY JOHN S.C. АВВОТТ, BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY CROCKER & BREWSTER, 47 Washington Street. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1839, By CROCKER & BREWSTER, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. HARVARD COLLEGE LASKARY FROM THE BEQUEST OF EVERT JANSEN WENDELL PRESERVATION MASTER AT HARVARD STEREOTYPED AT THE BOSTON TYPE AND STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY. HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY FROM THE BEQUEST OF EVERT JANSEN WENDELL 1918 PREFACE. THERE are, in my parish, several intelligent and promising lads, in whose welfare I feel a very deep interest. I thought of preparing a course of Saturday afternoon lectures for them, upon the formation of character, and accordingly delivered one. Upon reflection, however, it seemed to me that there were thousands of boys in our land, of about the same age, who needed instruction especially appropriate to their period of life; hence the School-Boy. I have endeavored to guide my readers to such regions of thought as should stimulate the mind and task its powers. This book is not intended merely to afford entertainment for children, but, by manly thought and expression, to elevate the |