Naval estimates for 1806, with provision for the marine corps» Our noble spirited SEAMEN and half seamen, are above 110,000. If either of the De Witts, Du Ruyter, or Van Tromp, could look down at our insignificant naval force, with so many excellent seamen, and such an immense commercial interest to guard, they would be astonished at our apparent negligence; but we are perhaps stronger than is generally apprehended, 100 good cruising ships, to average 20 guns, could be equipped from the merchant service in less than 3 months. And for the probable effect we appeal to Lloyd's lists for the years 1775, to 1782. Statement comparing 4 years custom house PAYMENTS into the treasury of the United States, for the following principal ports, commencing April 1801, to April 1805, with the comparative increase of tonnage in shipping for ten years. A statement of duties on merchandise, tonnage, passports, and clearances, which accrued during the year 1804, and of all the foreign articles of that years importation, which were actually consumed within the United States. GOODS PAYING DUTIES AD VALOREM. 30,211,367 dollars, at 12 per cent, 7,641,925 425,236 15 20 38.278.528 3,776,420 87 1,146,288 75 85,047 20 Additional duty on $22,297,845 at 21 p. ct. 557,446 12 5,565,202 94 31 per cent. retained on drawbacks, 245,000 56 Extra duty of 10 per cent. on merchandise imported in foreign vessels, A further or minute specification of the articles imported would swell this work beyond a neat manual size. ARTICLES of foreign growth and manufacture imported and consumed in the United States, in the following years; viz. 22,624,413 5,545,681 3,144,225 2,080,000 2,460,914 29,886,973 5,018,562 3,853,905 2,000,000 2,374,118 36,496,589 5,599,760 3,896,241 2,060,000 2,310,259 28,044,276 6,819,728 3,724,369 2,100,000 2,008,399 13,511,877 49,767,745 2,288,172 1798 23,972,260 4,648,743 4,079,145 2,000,000 1,890,965 4,178,321 33,206,395 2,022,397 1799 33,093,831 7,302,297 3,889,084 2,400,000 4,501,503 10,800,182 57,079,636 1,662,511 50,537,637 2,734,243 5,447,545 1,223,721 2,669,831 8,471,393 47,882,376 2,881,803 To ascertain with more precision the actual consumption in each year an average of 3 or 5 years will be useful, and by adding the domestic articles and refering to the prices current of the day the total annual consumption may be easily obtained. |