The first printing-office established at Cambridge, A union of the colonies of New England by compact, from which Rhode Island was excluded at the request of Massachusetts, A great Massacre by the Indians in Virginia in, A serious dispute between Massachusetts and Connecticut, South Carolina planted by an English colony under governor setts, 1642 1643 1644 1646 1651 1669 1670 1676 1676 1679 1680 1682 A serious rebellion in Virginia under Nathaniel Bacon, William Penn receives a patent for Pennsylvania, March 4th. William Penn purchases from James duke of York, that part of the New Netherlands now known by the name of the state of Delaware. Philadelphia began to be built, Massachusetts deposes governor Andros, Post-office first established in America by act of the British government, 1710 Tuscarora Indians defeated after the massacre in North Carolina by the Indians, 1713 A bank established on erroneous principles in Carolina, A memorable struggle in Massachusetts against the crown authority, North Carolina settled about this time by the English, Several public spirited gentlemen begin the settlement of This act tended greatly to sour the minds of the provincials toward their parent country. Indigo discovered in South Carolina in, The interest of the British funds reduced to three per cent. The British parliament pass an act, grievous and insulting to the Americans, prohibiting any slitting-mill or forge, or any iron-works in America, June, A congress meet at Albany (New York) when Dr. Franklin Fort Du Quesne (now Pittsburg) taken from the French by General Wolfe is killed in the battle of Quebec, which is Montreal taken from the French, . 1754 1755 1757 . 1758 1759 1759 1760 1761 Cherokee towns destroyed by colonel Grant, Sundry parliamentary attempts to abridge the commerce and 1763 1764 Colonial stamp act passed in England, and violently opposed in Massachusetts, 1765 Massacre at Boston, March 5th, Captain Phipps is sent to explore the north pole, but having made eighty-one degrees, is in danger of being locked up by the ice, returns, The British parliament having passed an act laying a duty of three pence per pound upon all teas imported into America; the colonies resolutely deny the right of the British parliament to tax them, ་ 1770 1773 The Boston port bill passed March 25th, 1774 1774 1774 1775 1775 April 19th, the first action between the British and the Ame- 1775 1775 General George Washington is by congress unanimously ap pointed commander in chief of the American army, June 16th; on July 2d arrives at Cambridge, Massachusetts, and takes upon him the command, Battle of Bunker's hill, June 17th. Charlestown burnt the same day, Post-office established by congress, July 26th, Falmouth, in the district of Maine, destroyed by the British, 1775 1775 1775 1775 Norfolk, in Virginia, burnt by order of lord Dunmore, January 1st,. General Montgomery takes Montreal, November 12th, 1775 1775 1776 1776 Boston evacuated by the British, March 17th. Gallant repulse of commodore Parker at Charleston, South 1776 1776 In the severe battle of Flatbush, on Long Island, the Americans are defeated, and New York is soon after taken by the British, August 27th, 1776 Fort Washington, state of New York, taken by the British, 1776 Fort Lee in the same state, taken November 18th, 1776 1776 A division of Hessians taken by general Washington at Trenton, December 26th, January 2d, general Washington defeats the British at Princeton, Great devastations committed by the British under general The British are defeated with severe loss, October 7th, A hard fought, drawn battle near Saratoga, September 19th, of 6,000 men to generals Gates and Lincoln, October 17th, 1777 General Washington in winter quarters at Cherry Valley, where his army suffers severely from famine and want of clothing, December, A treaty of alliance concluded at Paris between France and Sir Henry Clinton supersedes sir William Howe, May 8th, at The earl of Carlisle, William Eden and George Johnston ar- 1777 1778 1778 1778 1778 Twelve ships of the line under count D'Estaing arrived in the Delaware, July 9th, 1778 Sieur Gerard the first ambassador from France to the U. S. 1778 1779 General Ash surprized and defeated in Georgia by general 1779 The Spaniards at war with Britain, June, 1779 Governor Fry on burned Fairfield and East Haven. Plundered 1779 Stony Point taken by the Americans under the command of general Wayne, 1779 1779 Pensacola and West Florida surrender to Spain, May 9th, Count Rochambeau arrived at Rhode Island with 6,000 Cornwallis defeated Gates near Camden in South Carolina, 1780 THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, first General Arnold attempted to deliver West Point to the Bri- 1780 1780 1780 The battle of Kings Mountain, South Carolina, October 7th, 1780 The British government declares war against Holland, De- 1780 and 1781, This winter is remarkable for its severity. In the battle of Cowpens the Americans, under general -Mont- Morgan A battle at Guilford court-house in N. Carolina, March 15th, 1780 1781 1782 1782 1782 Count de Grasse with 28 sail of the line arrived in the Ches- . New London burnt by the British under Arnold, September 13th, Treaty of amity and commerce between America and Hol- 1782. 1782 Earl Cornwallis surrenders his army to general Washington 1782 Holland acknowledged the sovereignty of the United States, 1782 Treaty concluded between the United States and the states The French take and destroy the forts and settlements on Sir Guy Carlton arrived at New York with powers to treat of 1782 1782 Treaty of amity and commerce between the United States and New York evacuated by the British troops, and general The people of New Haven generously invite the migrating dis- 1782 1783 1783 |