الغلاف الأمامي

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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 316 - LIGHTEN our darkness, we beseech thee, O Lord ; and by thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night ; for the love of thy only Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
الصفحة 175 - ... truth might lie between, — he was certainly sixtyfive ; and the general air of his countenance, notwithstanding something seem'd to have been planting wrinkles in it before their time, agreed to the account. It was one of those heads...
الصفحة 291 - The King's daughter is all glorious within ; her clothing is of wrought gold. She shall be brought unto the King in raiment of needlework : the virgins her companions that follow her shall be brought unto thee.
الصفحة 174 - I pity the man who can travel from Dan. to Beersheba, and cry, 'Tis all barren and so it is; and so is all the world to him, who will not cultivate the fruits it offers.
الصفحة 175 - I fear, forbidding in my look: I have his figure this moment before my eyes, and think there was that in it which deserved better.
الصفحة 174 - I, clapping my hands cheerily together, that was I in a desert, I would find out wherewith in it to call forth my affections If I could not do better, I would fasten them upon some sweet myrtle, or seek some melancholy cypress to connect myself to...
الصفحة 175 - Truth might lie between He was certainly sixty-five; and the general air of his countenance, notwithstanding something seemed to have been planting wrinkles in it before their time, agreed to the account. It was one of those heads, which Guido has often painted...
الصفحة 173 - Turin, in his return home; and a sad tale of sorrowful adventures he had to tell, "wherein he spoke of moving accidents by flood and field, and of the cannibals which each other eat: the Anthropophagi" he had been flay'd alive, and bedevil'd, and used worse than St. Bartholomew, at every stage he had come at I'll tell it, cried Smelfungus, to the world. You had better tell it, said I, to your physician.
الصفحة 159 - Men of the most confined knowledge are able to remark a difference of taste in the narrow circle of their acquaintance, even where the persons have been educated under the same government, and have early imbibed the same prejudices. But those who can enlarge their view to contemplate distant...
الصفحة 175 - It was one of those heads which Guido has often painted mild, pale penetrating, free from all commonplace ideas of fat contented ignorance looking downwards upon the earth it look'd forwards ; but look'd, as if it look'd at something beyond this world.

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