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النشر الإلكتروني

[man] looketh well to his going; considers and observes it, to see that he has good ground for what he does. Policy without piety has too much of cunning to be good; piety without policy is too simple to be safe. The great secret is to maintain an easy air with those with whom we converse; but resolutely to maintain such a 16 reserve as shall not put us into the power of any. A wise [man] feareth, and departeth from evil; keeps out of harm's way and avoids the appearance of evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident; runs rashly on, and, confident he shall do right, despises and 17 resents the kindest and mildest cautions. [He that is] soon angry, of a hasty, passionate spirit, dealeth foolishly and a man of wicked devices is hated ; a deliberate villain is universally detested. 18 The simple, giddy, extravagant people, inherit folly, and will quickly have nothing else to inherit; but the prudent are crowned with knowledge; it is both their ornament and support. 19 The evil bow before the good; and the wicked at the gates of the righteous; therefore they should not despise and in20 sult them in their prosperity. The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich [hath] many friends, who hope to get something by them. This is a motive to frugality and diligence."' 21 He that despiseth his neighbour, because he is low or mean, and will not relieve him, sinneth; a remarkable phrase, intimating, that if we considered the dignity of the rational nature, we should do our utmost to relieve others: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy [is] he, both in the benevolence of his temper, (which 22 affords the greatest pleasure) and in the approbation of God. Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth [shall be] to them that devise good; divine mercy shall be their security, 23 their portion, and their joy. In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips [tendeth] only to penury: a man had better employ himself in the meanest labours, than go talking about, wasting his own time and that of others in impertinence and folly. Some men of natural good sense and wit thus prove fools in con24 duct, and by these means bring their families to poverty.


crown of the wise [is] their riches; as they have great honour, and advantages for doing good: [but] the foolishness of fools [is] folly; when riches fall into the hands of a fool, he only dis25 plays his folly the more; so that wisdom is better than riches. A true witness delivereth souls, lives and reputations: but a deceitful [witness] speaketh lies in judicial causes, and therefore does 26 great mischief. In the fear of the LORD [is] strong confidence, in the greatest danger and his children, the children of those who fear God, shall have a place of refuge. How great an encouragement is it to real piety, that it entails a blessing upon our families! and how comfortable a thing to be the children of good 27 men! The fear of the LORD [is] a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death; it gives continual refreshment, and 28 secures from the greatest dangers. In the multitude of people [is] the king's honour: but in the want of people [is] the destruction of the prince: this should teach princes not to consume.

them by war, or drive them out by persecution and oppression, 29 [He that is] slow to wrath [is] of great understanding: but

[he that is] hasty of spirit exalteth folly; lifts it up as a stand30 ard, and teaches every body to despise him. A sound heart, a quiet, gentle, contented mind, [is] the life of the flesh but envy the rottenness of the bones; it is its own punishment, wast31 ing the spirits and consuming the strength. He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker for making him poor; he contemns God's promises, and forgets his commands; but he that 32 honoureth him hath mercy on the poor. The wicked is driven away in his wickedness; in the midst of it, sometimes in the very act; he is driven away against his will in agony and confusion; but the righteous hath hope in his death; hope of a better state 83 beyond this. Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding; he knows when to conceal it; but [that which is] in the midst of fools is made known; there is no concealing of a 34 fool, the abundance of his loquacity shows his emptiness. Righteousness exalteth a nation, by its natural consequences securing 25 the divine blessing: but sin [is] a reproach to any people. The king's favour [is] toward a wise servant but his wrath is [against] him that causeth shame; he shall be disgraced and banished the court. We may observe from hence, that Solomon ev◄ ery where estimates the understanding by prudence and meekness, caution and circumspection, not by learning or wit. May we be ambitious to act upon these maxims, as they are necessary to our happiness in both worlds.



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but grievous words stir up anger; raise passion where 2 there was none, and heighten it where there was. The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright; sets it off by a proper manner of introducing it: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness, some silly stuff, or some good thoughts in a confused, osten3 tatious manner. The eyes of the LORD [are] in every place, 4 beholding the evil and the good. A wholesome tongue [is] a tree of life; the tongue which speaks comfort and heals breaches, is the greatest blessing to those it converses with: but perverseness therein [is] a breach in the spirit; lying, calumny, and ill natured language, tend to grieve and break the heart; the one cheers a broken spirit, the other makes a breach in one that is sound. 5 A fool despiseth his father's instruction: but he that regardeth 6 reproof is prudent; is in the way to improve in knowledge. In the house of the righteous [is] much treasure, though but little wealth, because he has content and joy: but in the large revenues of the wicked is trouble; he has no comfort in them, his bad pas7 sions spoil all. The lips of the wise disperse knowledge, scatter


it wide, like seed: but the heart of the foolish [doeth] not so; he has neither ability nor inclination to do good. The most costly sacrifice of the wicked [is] an abomination to the LORD: but the 9 prayer of the upright [is] his delight and the reason is, The way of the wicked [is] an abomination unto the LORD but he loveth him that followeth after righteousness; who is sincere in the pursuit of righteousness, who hungers and thirsts after it. 10 Correction [is] grievous unto him that forsaketh the way of religion [and] he that hateth reproof shall die. We here see why many hate reproof; but, to die for want of attending to it, is infi11 nitely worse than any present mortification. Hell and destruction, the grave and the invisible world, [are] before the LORD: how 12 much more then the hearts of the children of men? A scorner loveth not one that reproveth him neither will he go unto the 13 wise, because he is determined to go on in an evil way. A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken, and rendered unfit for the service of God and man. This teaches us to cultivate an innocent cheerful14 ness, and not suffer sorrow to prey upon the mind. The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge: but the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness; foolish men pour out a torrent of impertinent, idle discourse, while a wise man seeks improvement in 15 wisdom and grace, and finds the comfort of it. All the days of the afflicted [are] evil: but he that is of a merry heart [hath] a continual feast; if a poor afflicted man be of a cheerful temper, it makes up the want of other enjoyments, and sweetens his evil days. 16 Better [is] a little with the fear of the LORD, with a good conscience, and serving God with it, than great treasure and trouble therewith; than an uneasy mind and the abuse of wealth, which aggravates their future account. This is an important hint to parents to pursue religion rather than wealth, and be more careful 17 that their children be religious than rich. Better [is] a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stailed ox and hatred therewith ; the meanest provision with family peace and love, is better than the 18 greatest dainty and hatred therewith. A wrathful man stirreth up strife but [he that is] slow to anger appeaseth strife; a peaceable, quiet spirit is its own reward, and of great service to 19 the world. The way of the slothful [man is] as an hedge of thorns; he makes difficulties where there are none, and magnifies those that are: but the way of the righteous [is] made plain, easy and pleasant, notwithstanding all discouragements; he does 20 not sink under but surmounts difficulties. A wise son maketh a glad father, as he hopes he will prove an honour to the family : but a foolish man despiseth his mother; plainly shows he has no regard to her, who perhaps has spoiled him by her indulgence. 21 Folly [is] joy to [him that is] destitute of wisdom; he sins with delight, and boasts of it: but a man of understanding walketh uprightly; this affords him the highest satisfaction, and will be 22 greatly rewarded. Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established, accom


23 plished and brought to a good issue. A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth and a word [spoken] in due season, how 24 good [is it,] both to himself and others! The way of life [is] above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath, though an up hill road and difficult, yet this balances all, that it preserves a man from hell (as some understand it ;) or rather, the way of life, or true religion, leads a man's thoughts upwards, to an holy 25 and heavenly conversation. The LORD will destroy the house of the proud, who trample on the poor: but he will establish the 26 border of the widow, who is afflicted and oppressed. The thoughts of the wicked [are] an abomination to the LORD, who sees and hates them but [the words] of the pure [are] pleasant words, that is, pleasing to God. Let us therefore guard our thoughts and 27 maintain good and useful discourse. He that is greedy of gain, or cager in the pursuit of it, troubleth his own house; throws them into a continual hurry, will not allow them proper sleep or relaxation, is a burden to children and servants, and brings the curse of God upon them but he that hateth gifts shall live; he who hateth bribery, dishonesty, and all mean tricks, shall live in 28 reputation and comfort. The heart of the righteous studieth to answer; he thinks before he speaks, and studies what may be useful but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things, with 29 out any consideration of the consequences. The LORD [is] far from the wicked; and thus what was his crime is his punishment: there will be a time when every man will desire that God may be near him: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous. 30 The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart, gives pleasure and vigour to the body: [and] a good report maketh the bones fat. This should teach us to be thankful if God continues the light of 31 our eyes, and the brightness of our reputation. The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise; he is admitted into their company as a teachable person, though he cannot bear 32 a part in the conversation. He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul; is not sufficiently sensible of his rational, immortal nature, and prefers the body to it: but he that heareth 33 reproof getteth understanding, and so preserveth his soul. The fear of the LORD [is] the instruction of wisdom; the most important precept of wisdom; and before honour [is] humility. Learn this, that the true, the sure, and the readiest way to be wise and honourable, is to be devout and humble.




HE preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue [is] from the LORD; it depends on him whether they shall speak with such elocution or success as they intended. 2 All the ways of a man [are] clean in his own eyes; but the LORD Weigheth the spirits; God has as perfect a knowledge of men's

designs as they have of those things which they weigh in the 3 balance with the greatest exactness. Commit thy works unto the LORD, ask his direction, and seek a blessing from him, and thy thoughts shall be established, without distressing cares or 4 fears. The LORD hath made all [things] for himself; yea, even the wicked for the day of evil; he has made all things to answer the purposes of his providence and glory, and even wicked men to be executioners of his vengeance; or rather, the Lord hath made all things suited to each other, and proportioned the punishment of the wicked to their crimes; he hath established the connec5-tion between vice and misery in the future world. Every one without exception, [that is] proud in heart, [is] an abomination to the LORD, though he may admire and applaud himself: [though] 6 hand [join] in hand, he shall not be unpunished. By mercy and truth iniquity is purged; fidelity and charity are the ready way to avert the wrath of God: and by the fear of the LORD [men] depart from evil; where true religion is there will be reformation. 7 When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him; he can calm their spirits and diɛ8 arm their resentment. Better [is] a little with righteousness than great revenues without right; it is more lasting and more 9 satisfying. A man's heart deviseth his way : but after all the LORD directeth his steps, therefore there is reason for prayer and 10 thankfulness. A divine sentence [is,] or should be, in the lips of the king his mouth transgresseth not in judgment, in giving orders and executing judgment; or, if the dictates of God's word be in his lips, a religious regard to the scripture will have a good II influence on his administration. A just weight and balance [are] the LORD'S all the weights of the bag [are] his work, are appointed and commanded by him; justice ought to be observed in the least instances, and a regard to God will be an engagement to uni12 versal integrity. [It is,] that is, it should be, an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness; it tends to engage the affections of the people and 13 the favour of God, and is the surest defence of a prince. Righteous lips [are] the delight of kings; and they love him that speaketh right; an intimation to Solomon's subjects what behav14 iour would please him. The wrath of a king [is as] messengers of death, especially in such arbitrary monarchies as those in the east; how much more dreadful is the wrath of God; but a wise man will pacify it; he will take the most wise and prudent time 15 and methods in doing it. In the light of the king's countenance [is] life; there is a transport attending the smile of a prince; and his favour [is] as a cloud of the latter rain; how valuable then is 16 God's favour! How much better in every respect [is it] to get wisdom than gold? and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver? How foolish then is their conduct who spend all their days in getting wealth, without improving their own or 17 their children's minds. The highway, that is, the straight and easy path, of the upright is to depart from evil; this is his con

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