LIFE JOURNALS AND CORRESPONDENCE OF Rev. Manasseh Cutler, LL.D. BY HIS GRANDCHILDREN WILLIAM PARKER CUTLER AND JULIA PERKINS CUTLER VOLUME II CINCINNATI ROBERT CLARKE & CO CONTENTS. REV. DANIEL STORY-LETTERS TO GENERAL PUTNAM-DR. CUTLER'S CHARGE AT MR. STORY'S ORDINATION-OHIO UNIVERSITY-DIARY, 1800... FIRST SESSION IN CONGRESS-LETTERS TO HIS FAMILY AND DR. DANA FIRST AND SECOND SESSIONS IN CONGRESS-LETTERS TO HIS FAMILY, THIRD SESSION IN CONGRESS-DIARY, 1803-LETTERS TO HIS FAMILY FOURTH SESSION IN CONGRESS-DIARY, 1804-LETTER FROM THOS. 1 CORRESPONDENCE WITH DR. STOKES, MRS. MERRY, MR. VAUGHAN, BARON HERMELIN, DR. BARTON, DR. MUHLENBERG, MR. STICKNEY, COUNT CASTIGLIONI, MR. PAYKULL, DR. SWARTZ, HON. JOHN DAVIS, LETTERS FROM W. D. PECK, BENJAMIN TALLMADGE, TIMOTHY PICKER- ERING, SAMUEL TAGGART, RUFUS PUTNAM-DIARIES FOR 1806 TO 1816-CHARGE AT ORDINATION OF REV. MR. KIMBALL-REMIN- AN EXPLANATION OF THE MAP WHICH DELINEATES THAT PART OF THE FEDERAL LANDS COMPREHENDED BETWEEN PENNSYLVANIA WEST LINE, THE RIVERS OHIO AND SCIOTO, AND LAKE ERIE; CONFIRMED TO THE UNITED STATES BY SUNDRY TRIBES OF INDIANS, IN THE THE ORDINANCE OF 1787, AND ITS HISTORY, BY PETER FORCE-ORDI- NANCE FOR SALE OF LANDS IN THE NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY- APPENDIX E. LIFE OF REV. MANASSEH CUTLER. CHAPTER XIII. REV. DANIEL STORY-LETTERS TO GENERAL PUTNAM-DR. CUTLER'S CHARGE The Rev. Daniel Story, who left Dr. Cutler's house in November, 1788, to go as a religious teacher to the settlement at Marietta, where he arrived in March, 1789, had cheerfully borne the privations and perils of pioneer life. He had encountered a year of famine and the dangers of nearly five years of Indian warfare, faithfully preaching the Gospel, when his hearers came to attend the Sabbath services armed with their rifles; and he went to the outposts, Belpre and Waterford, when a military guard was necessary for his protection. On the return of peace, he gathered together those to whom the Word was precious, and formed them into a Church of Christ, at Marietta, the first Congregational Church ever established west of the Alleghany Mountains. Then, after more than eight years of arduous missionary labor, he went back to Massachusetts. A call from the people who had so long enjoyed his ministrations, and still earnestly desired to have them continued, followed him to his eastern home: The Church of Christ, consisting of members residing at Marietta and its vicinity, to our beloved Brother, Daniel Story, sendeth greeting: It has given us much satisfaction to have the Subscribers to the Association for the support of Teachers of Religion and Morality in these settlements concur with us in our choice and election of you to the office of Pastor of the Church, and the temporal provision which they have made for your support, VOL. IL-1 (1) |