Darwinism Stated by Darwin Himself: Characteristic Passages from the Writings of Charles DarwinD. Appleton, 1890 - 351 من الصفحات |
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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
action adapted admit allied ancient animals animals and plants anthropomorphous apes appear Asa Gray Aylesbury duck beak become believe birds body bones breeds cause character chimpanzee climate closely common compared crustaceans cultivated degree Descent developed distinct species disuse domestic animals domestic races doubt early eggs embryo existence extinct fact faculties females forms genera genus Glacial period habits hair Hence hipparion horses increase individuals inhabitants inherited effects insects instance islands kinds lancelet land language larvæ latter less living lower animals males mals mammals manner modified monkeys muscles natural selection naturalists occasionally offspring Origin of Species ovules parent peculiar pigeon possess present prey probably produced progenitors Quadrumana quadrupeds rank remarkable resemble savages seedlings seeds sexual selection skull slight social instincts South America structure struggle suppose surface tend tendency tion transmitted variability variations varieties various vertebræ whole wild worms young