من داخل الكتاب


On Theories of the Formation of Coral Atolls and Barrier Reefs
Notes on the For Tribe of Central Africa By Dr Robert
On Bisulphide of Carbon Prisms By Dr Daniel Draper Com
The Resistance during Recrystallisation of Fused Salts of the Halo
Preliminary Report on the Cephalopoda collected by H M
Some Stereoscopic Photographs c by the AstronomerRoyal
On a Method of Measuring the Resistance of Electrolytes without
On the Heats of Combination of Zinc and Iodine in Presence
On Expressions for the Areas of Rectilineal Figures By A
On Pritchered Insectivorous Plants Part II By J M Macfar
Demonstrations of Theorems A B C c page 484 of Transactions
Election of OfficeBearers
The Sacral Index in Various Races of Mankind By Professor
On the Foundations of the Kinetic Theory of Gases By Professor
On the Distribution of Temperature in Loch Lomond during
On Oceanic Shoals discovered in the s s Dacia in October 1883
On the Phylogeny of the Tunicata By W A Herdman D Sc F L S
Observations on the Structure of Lumbricus complanatus Dugès
On the Physical Conditions of Rivers entering a Tidal Sea from
The Distribution and Significance of MicroOrganisms in Water
Notes on Experiments for the Board of Trade made at the South
Glories Halos and Coronæ seen from Ben Nevis Observatory
On a Model of the HalfTwist Surface By Professor Crum
Experiments on the Field of a Helmholtz Tangent Galvanometer
On Systems of Colliding Spheres By Professsr Tait
On the Partition of Energy among Groups of Colliding Spheres

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 133 - It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organized creatures.
الصفحة 135 - ... live. How does it solve the difficulty ? It takes the ground out along with it. I have seen white ants working on the top of a high tree, and yet they were underground. They took up some of the ground with them to the tree-top; just as the Esquimaux heap up snow, building it into the low tunnel-huts in which they live, so the white ants collect earth, only in this case not from the surface, but from some depth underneath the ground, and plaster it into tunneled ways.
الصفحة 492 - ... that for the ordinary necessities of lighthouse illumination, mineral oil is the most suitable and economical illuminant, and that for salient headlands, important landfalls, and places where a very powerful light is required, electricity offers the greatest advantages.
الصفحة 140 - ... always taking place. Not only to cover their depredations, but to dispose of the earth excavated from the underground galleries, the termites are constantly transporting the deeper and exhausted soils to the surface. Thus there is, so to speak, a constant circulation of earth in the tropics, a ploughing and harrowing, not furrow by furrow and clod by clod, but pellet by pellet and grain by grain. Some idea of the extent to which the underlying earth of the tropical forests is thus brought to...
الصفحة 23 - The theory proposed is, that the solution of a salt in water is a consequence of the attraction of the molecules of water for a molecule of salt, exceeding the attraction of the molecules of salt for one another. It follows, then, that, as the number of dissolved salt molecules increases, the attraction of the dissimilar molecules is more and more balanced by the attraction of the similar molecules: when these two forces are in equilibrium, saturation takes place.
الصفحة 138 - ... although this naturally varies with the soil, is usually a reddish brown. The quantity of earth and mud plastered over a single tree is often enormous ; and when one thinks that it is not only an isolated specimen here and there that is frescoed in this way, but often the whole of the trees of a forest, some idea will be formed of the magnitude of the operations of these insects and the extent of their influence upon the soil which they are thus ceaselessly transporting from underneath the ground....
الصفحة 511 - In the particular case illustrated by the model, the generating line turns through two right angles, while the point of intersection makes one whole revolution ; that is, the rate of angular motion of the generating line is one-half of that of the point of intersection. The idea of making such a model was derived from the " one-sided surfaces " exhibited by Professor Tait, formed by gumming together the ends of a strip of paper, after giving it half a turn about its axis. Such a strip has only one...
الصفحة 139 - Nyanza have been similarly indebted to the labours of the termites. In South Africa the Zulus and Kaffirs pave all their huts with white-ant earth ; and during the Boer war our troops in Praetoria, by scooping out the interior from the smaller beehive-shaped antheaps, and covering the top with clay, constantly used them as ovens. These ant-heaps may be said to abound over the whole interior of Africa, and there are several distinct species.
الصفحة 592 - ... but of a simple elongated ellipsoidal shape, and in place of four terminal angular tubes, a number of trumpet-shaped tubular processes projecting from the middle of the two ends, which probably serve the same purposes as the differently shaped appendages of the ova of the shark and skate.
الصفحة 72 - This notion may perhaps be somewhat further explained, by conceiving the air near the earth to be such a heap of little bodies, lying one upon another, as may be resembled to a fleece of wool.

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