Ideal or Intelligible WORLD. Being the Relative Part of it. Wherein the Intelligible World is consider'd PART II. By JOHN NORRIS, Rector of Bemerton 2 near Sarum. •Immensum rerum confecimus equor, Et jam tempus equum fumantia folvere colla. LONDON, Printed for S. Manship, at the Ship in Cornhill, near the Rojel- 8-6-46 To the Right Worshipful Sir Thomas Cookes Winford, of Aftly in the County of Worcefter, Baronet. SIR, THE that! HE Respect that I intend You, and the real Honour that I do my Self, in prefixing your Name to these Papers, will, I hope, excuse my Presumption in waiting upon You with so mean a Present: If not, your own Goodness I am perswaded will, of which the greatest Commendation that I can give, will be my Reliance upon it. Should You meet with any thing like Entertainment here, I should be well pleased, tho' I dare not promise You any. You are defired, Sir, to fit down at a Philosophers Table, which does not use to be either very nicely, or very magnificently spread, but whose chief FurniA 3 ture |