صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

Ideal or Intelligible


Being the Relative Part of it.

Wherein the Intelligible World is consider'd
with relation to Humane Understanding.
Whereof fome Account is here attempted
and proposed.


By JOHN NORRIS, Rector of Bemerton


near Sarum.

•Immensum rerum confecimus equor,

Et jam tempus equum fumantia folvere colla.


Printed for S. Manship, at the Ship in Cornhill, near the Rojel-
Exchange; and W. Hawes, at the Rofe in Ludgate-street,
near the West-End of St. Paul's Church. MDCCIV.


To the Right Worshipful Sir Thomas Cookes Winford, of Aftly in the County of Worcefter, Baronet.


THE that!

HE Respect that I intend You, and the real Honour that I do

my Self, in prefixing your Name to these Papers, will, I hope, excuse my Presumption in waiting upon You with so mean a Present: If not, your own Goodness I am perswaded will, of which the greatest Commendation that I can give, will be my Reliance upon it. Should You meet with any thing like Entertainment here, I should be well pleased, tho' I dare not promise You any. You are defired, Sir, to fit down at a Philosophers Table, which does not use to be either very nicely, or very magnificently spread, but whose chief FurniA 3


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