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• Fall of Whitby Abbey Tower.

June 26.

IT is with much regret that 1 inform your antiquarian readers that the tower of the much-admired Abbey at Whitby (which has been noticed in some of your volumes) fell to the ground about 1 o'clock in the after noon of Friday the 25th inst. This striking portion of the venerable pile has for some years past exhibited symptoms of rapidly increasing decay, and to those who watched their progress, it was matter of surprise that the catastrophe had been so long averted; and that the Jate tempestuous seasons should not have accelerated the destruction of what has so long appeared to be tottering to its fall. But it was not fated thus to meet its doom; and there is something rather affecting and: sublime in the manner in which the downfall of this fine remnant of anti-, quity has at last taken place.. Year after year has it proudly withstood the, warring of the elements, and the fury of the wintry blast, as if unwilling to be hurried to that destruction, which, in the opinion of all who knew its perilous condition, might be expected from every passing storm; but yet, conscious of its infirmity, and that it could no longer resist the silent ravages of time, it slowly and majestically fell in the calm noontide of a summer's day, its temains forming a shape less mass of ruin almost on the very spot once sheltered by its hallowed roof... The event has excited the most lively interest in the town of Whitby, by every inhabitant of which the Abbey is held in the highest veneration, and the falling of its lofty tower is to them like the loss of a friend, whom they had known and loved from their earliest years, whom they were in the habit of seeing every day, and meeting with ať évery turn.

The tower of Whitby Abbey has for centuries been 'ari important and well-known land mark, and formed a most interesting and conspicuous featüre in the romantic scenery of the district. Its loss therefore will not be felt by the neighbouring inhabitants alone, but the traveller by land or sea has reason to lament its destruction, and the public at large to regret

* The tower was 120 feet high, and the cliff upon which it was situated was nearly 200 feet above low water mark.

GENT. MAG. August, 1830.



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We annex to our Corresponda ent's report of the fall of the tower of Whitby Abbey, a S.W. view of it, taken about the year 1793. (See Pl. II.) • As a frontispiece to part ii. of our vol. LXXXIII. is an excellent view of the east front of Whitby Abbey, drawn by Mr. J. G. Buckler, but that view does not embrace the tower. A copious account of the Abb Abbey by Mr. Buckler, given in that volume, p. 633, will supersede the necessity of entering on its history on the present occasion.

In Grose's Antiquities, vol. iv. are two views of this Abbey; and in the Antiquarian Cabinet is a pleasing view from the N., showing the tower. But the best views of this Abbey are to be found in the new edition of Dugdale's Monasticon. gate s given two beautiful; plates; one an exterior view, from the N. W.; and the other, an interior view looking towards. the north and east. The latter forms a very superior subject for the pencil.

Mr. Coney has there

On the 12th of Nov. 1794, a heavy gale proved destructive to the west end of of the Abbey, and the great window, which is shown in the annexed view, (and was justly admired for the elegance of its proportions,) was then destroyed. EDIT.


Aug. 10.

on the western shore of


Mr. URBAN, THE fishing town of Brisban is. Torbay, four miles east of Dartmouth. It is divided into two parts, the town? and the quay's This latter is situ. ated at the foot of a range of hills surrounding a small bay; the streets are narrow, and the greaten part of the houses old. Those on the west side of the principal street are modern, but inconvenient, owing to their being built at the base of a lofty limestone, rock, formerly a quarry, while their gardens are placed on the summit, and consequently long flights of steps are necessary to reach them, in one flight. I counted seventy-four steps.

The haven is defended from the violence of the weather by a substantial. stone pier, and is capable of sheltering, about two hundred sail fishing vessels.. A chapel of ease has been erected within these few years, to the great.



Account of Brixham, co. Devon.

convenience of the inhabitants; the exterior is not remarkable for its architectural beauty, but the interior is tastefully fitted up in the modern Gothic style, and ornamented with a handsome altar-piece: it affords accommodation to nearly fifteen hundred persons. Here are also two ineeting houses; one belonging to the Wesleyan Methodists, the other to the Calvinists; the former is rather an elegant building. At the water-side is a small market-house. The town, composed chiefly of detached cottages, extends more than a mile up a hill to the west; about midway through it, on the south side, is the parish church (dedicated to the blessed Virgin), a spacious embattled structure, built in the style of the latter part of the fourteenth, or beginning of the fifteenth century, with red sandy stone, now rough-casted. It consists of a nave, chancel, north and south ailes, with a transept in each; at the west end is a plain embattled tower, a hundred feet high; on each side is a small circular turret, through which access is gained to the roof of the Church. Facing the south is a large porch, having a groined ceiling; in the centre are three figures, but the whitewasher has been so industrious, that it is almost an impossibility to recognise for whom they are meant. The interior, notwithstanding its present neglected state, and the numerous 'churchwardenizations' it has undergone, still retains traces of its original elegance. The aisles are lofty, and separated by obtuse arches; the columns appear to have been painted in imitation of red marble, as portions are visible through the whitewash. A large old gallery stands in the choir, while a lesser, erected about three years since, occupies a part of the south aile: each transept is also furnished with one; in that in the south side is a wooden tablet, bearing a long list of donations to the poor, in red and black letters, placed there in 1692. The same year the Church was repaired and ornamented with Scripture sentences, "when Mr. Robt. Lake and Geo. Gillard were churchwardens." The opposite gallery is devoted entirely to the use of the Buller family. At the head of the stairs is a handsome old-fashioned monument:

"In memory of Edward Yarde, eldest son of Edward Yarde, esq. of Churston Court, who died at Eton School, April ye


12th, in the year of our Lord 1710, to the extreme affliction of his father and mother. Eheu! quam brevis est ætas, et rara senectus, Dum puer hic properat vivere, vita perit."

Within the precincts of the pew is the following inscription on a slab of statuary marble:

"M. S. Francisci Buller, Baronetti, per plusquam septemdecem annos Banci Regis, deinde per sex anuos Banci Communis Justiciarii; viri memorabilis, qui in causis discendis acumine et diligentia, in indagando jure industriâ, et in interpretando solertia, nemini cessit. Natus in parochia Crediensis 28o die Martii 1746, obiit Londonii 4° die Junii, 1800, et sepultus est in cœmeterio divi Andrææ prope Hospitium Grayense, juxta reliquias Edwardi Buller, filii primogeniti."

The following is painted in black letter on a small wooden tablet, which hangs loosely on one of the pillars in the nave:

"John Crout of Brixham in this county of Deuon, ye, who died the 20 of July, 1641, gaue ten shillinges yearely for euer to this par. of Brixham for ye relefe of ye poore, to be payd ovt of on tenement caled Blockhowse in this parrish of Brixham, to be distrubyted euery neweres day, by the help of ye church wardens and ouerseers of the poore."

The sounding-board of the pulpit is surmounted by the figure of an angel gaudily painted and gilded, blowing a trumpet. On each side the nave, immediately beneath the cornice, are two others holding shields, charged with armorial bearings; on one are the arms. of Courtney, on another those of Yarde. The font is exceedingly beautiful, but the symmetry of its ancient tracery and foliage is now eclipsed by modern ornaments, bestowed on it by the whitewash brush! The Scripture sentences referred to above are destroyed. At the eastern end of the south aisle are several monuments to members of the Fownes family, and in the corresponding end of the north aisle are three old ones of the Uptons; on the first, a large dark coloured marble one in the fashionable form of the reign of the second Charles, supported by Grecian columns, and having their arms on the top, are the following inscriptions:

" In memory of John Vpton of Lepton, Esq. who piovsly and righteously served God and his Country, in his private and public station while a Ivstice of Peace, and Bvrgesse for Dartmouth in three Parliaments, at his proper cost and charge.

* Yeoman.


Account of Brixham, co. Devon.

"This monument was erected by his most disconsolate relict Ursula, daughter of Sir John Lytcott of Moulsey in the county of Surrey, Kt. with whom she lived 22 yeers of true conjugal affection, and by whom she had three sons and one daughter; the first dyed young, the others, educated in the feer of the Lord, and kept from the vices of youth, gave great hopes of being eminently serviceable, were early transplanted, dyeing in the true Christian faith before their father, who departed this life at Salusbury, Sept. 17th, and was here interred the 20th, anno ætatis 49, Domini 1687."

"Here also lyes ye aboue said Ursula, who had been first married to George Clerke of London, merchant, by whom she had 8 children. Ob. 16 Dec. 1709, anno æt. 79.

"Arthur, their eldest son, was born at Dublin in Ireland, Feb. 14th, and buryed there in March in 1666. Arthur, their second son, born at Lupton, Jan. 6th, 1667, died at Kingsbridge Nov. 28th, was buried here, 1680. John, their third son, born at Lupton May 17th, 1668, died and was interred in Wadham Coll. Oxon. Dec. 1686.


Since then that spirite of Christ in him did live,
That spirite to him a gloriovs life doth give.
And as to it a plenty hee did sow,
A plenteovs glory now to him shall grow,
And thov who movrn'st that hee is not with
Bee like him, and in blisse thov shalt him

Above this is a hand holding a crown proceeding from a cloud, and underneath it is written,

"A crowne of righteovsnes."

Adjoining is a handsome monument to the memory of Mary, daughter of John Southcot, esq. of Dartmouth, who died the 4th of August, 1752, in the tenth year of her age. Above the inscription, an angel holding a crown leans on a medallion portrait of the young lady.

On each side the entrance of the chancel is an ancient tomb under a small arch, which once afforded a view. of the high altar to those in the eastern

Vrsula, their onely daughter, born at Lup- extremity of the aisles. That on the

ton, Jan. 13th, 1671, died in London Aug. 21st, and was interred here in the same grave with her father, 1687."

The second, which is similar but smaller, is in the N. E. angle between the two windows, and contains a pom

south now forms a doorway, over it are the letters P. G. and the date 1710; the other is perfect; round the margin is an inscription in black letter, but illegible.

The communion-table is covered by curiously embroidered violet-colour

pous Latin inscription to the memory ed velvet cloth, evidently part of the

of Antony, third son of John and Dorothea Upton, who went to Spain in his youth, where he was for thirty years an eminent merchant. He died in July 1669, aged 48.

In the opposite angle is the third, a small one. The inscription is on brass in Roman capitals:

"To the precious memory of John Vpton, esq. a saint excellent on earth, and now gloriovs in heauen, who was borne on earth Aprill 7, 1590, and was translated to heaven Sept. 11, 1641.

Thinke not this single grave holds one alone, Many good men ly buried in this one. And though his life on earth not long appeares, [yeares, Hee the good workes brought forth of many Swift to do good his time hee did improve, Indvstriovs, active, and made all of love. Others do good by fits and in a mood, But this man's constant trade was doing good; Wisedome in him was ioyned with devotion, And both adorn'd with sweetest conversation. Hee had no private nor self seeking hart, As those that thinke the whole made for a part. Bvt by an vniversall spirite led, Which breathes into ye church from Christ her head,

Hee lov'd the whole, to it himselfe hee gave, And in the good thereof his good wov'd have.

ancient furniture of the high altar; the border is adorned with figures of saints. Before the table on the floor is a stone on which is the following: "This pavement was done in the year 1721. Nicho. Browne, Geo. Pretor, churchwardens."

The altar-piece is divided into seve ral compartments, in which are roughly painted the Crucifixion, David, and Moses and Aaron. Over the decalogue are the arms of Fownes; above them is the following inscription:

"Hunc lucum sacrum sumptibus suis ligno surrexit et ornavit Johannes Fownes, senior, de Nethuray, armiger, anno Dom. 1730."

Behind the altar is the vestry. Au old register, rebound, and bearing marks of fire, is preserved in the parish chest. Inside the cover is the following memorandum:

"In acknowledgement of the polite attentions of the Rev. James Eyre to Sir Isaac Heard, Garter Principal King at Arms, this

* The inhabitants have a tradition that the town was burnt and the church greatly injured by the French.


Brixham, co. Devon.-Invention of Letters.

Register of Brixham has been carefully repared and bound, in order to preserve a valuable record from further decay, and for the benefit of the present and succeeding generations. 29th January, 1807."

The registers commence as follows: Marriages, 16th Jan. 1556. Burials, 1st Jan. 1560, Baptisms, 10th March,


The belfry is on the ground floor, and was formerly separated from the body of the Church by a noble pointed arch, now closed up with lath and plaster.

The church-yard is large, but contains nothing of interest.

Brixham derives its name from one of its early proprietors Brithric. In the reign of St. Edward the Confessor one Ulfe or Ulphus was the owner of the manor, and at the Conquest it was granted to a Norman Baron named Ralph. Afterwards it became the property of the powerful family of Vaultort, Barons of Harberton. At the death of Lord Roger de Vaultort, without the reign of Henry I. was divided between the sons of his two sisters, Beatrix, married to the Lord Corbet, and Avise, married to Pomery of Berry Pomery. After passing through various hands, it has been sold off in small portions, the possessors of which are denominated the "Quay Lords."

Lupton in this parish was the birthplace of Nicholas Upton, a learned lawyer, and one of the earliest writers on heraldry.

Torbay, the Totonesium Littus of the Romans, has been the theatre of great events in English history.

Here it was, as we are told, Vespasian landed, when he invaded Britain in the reign of Claudius, A. D. 49. But the most celebrated is the landing of William, Prince of Orange, afterwards William III. at Brixham, on the 5th of Nov. 1688. On his accession to

the throne, he created his Admiral Arthur Herbert Baron Torbay, and Earl of Torrington; but the titles became extinct at the death of the Earl.

Mr. Dunstanville, a merchant, who made a tour through the South-Hams about forty years ago, relates the following anecdote of William's landing, as told him by an aged native of Brixham, who was a child when this great event happened:

As it was low water, and the pier not being then in existence, the Prince was brought on shore on the shoulders

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of a sailor; but before he put foot on the landing-place (which was covered with spectators,) he exclaimed with a loud voice, "Welcome or not?" He was immediately answered with the shouts of the multitude, and cries of "Welcome! welcome!"

During the late war, this bay was one of the stations of the Channel Aeet. The population of Brixham is computed at six thousand.


Mr. URBAN, Grimsby, July 11.
N my former communication, I


have endeavoured to prove that Letters were in use before the time of Moses; and I am further of opinion that they were known to the predecessors of Abraham; for Tully says, that the Egyptian Hercules, who lived but a short time after the death of Thoth, wrote the letters used in Phrygia. Semiramis, the widow of Ninus, who flourished about the time of Abraham, erected a pillar to commemorate her conquests, and engraved upon it this inscription: "I, reigning in Nineveh, made the bounds of my kingdom towards the east the river Inamane; and towards the south it is bounded by the land that bears frankincense and


myrrh. And, as we are informed by Diodorus Siculus, the same royal lady received letters or missives from an ancient Indian King, relative to her eastern expedition; for the Indians had letters from the most early times. Mr.

Maurice thinks that the Vedas were written in a character which was de. rived from Noah, and had been used

by the antediluvians; and Sir William Jones conjectures that the Yajush Veda was composed 1580 years before the birth of Christ; i. e. nine years before the birth of Moses, and ninety before the exodus from Egypt.

Pliny affirms that the Pelasgi, the founder of whom was a man in Japhet's line in the eldest times, first brought letters into Latium; and that they were in Italy before the Lydian colony, under Tyrrhenus, came thither and expelled them. And the Lydian co. lony was but four generations after the time of Menes. The most ancient Greek letters were called Pelasgic, and

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4 L. 7, c. 56.

5 L. 8, c. 5.

6 Cumb. Sanch.

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