| Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool - 1882 - عدد الصفحات: 484
...mutually exclusive. On the contrary, the more purely a mechanist the speculator is, the more firmly does he assume a primordial molecular arrangement, of which all the phenomena of the nniverse are the consequences ; and the more completely is he thereby at the mercy of the M the feeble... | |
| George Park Fisher - 1883 - عدد الصفحات: 528
...affirm primordial nebular arrangement, of which all the phenomena of the uniTerse are consequences, the more completely is he thereby at the mercy of...can always defy him to disprove that this primordial nebular arrangement was not intended to evolve the phenomena of the universe." 1 This intention is... | |
| Charles Samuel Eby - 1883 - عدد الصفحات: 324
...mutually exclusive. On the contrary, the more purely a mechanist the speculator is, the more firmly does he assume a primordial molecular arrangement, of which all the phenomena of the 1Nature, Vol. XIX, p. 143 88 The ieleological mew, [LECT. universe are the consequences ; and the more... | |
| John Cameron Grant - 1883 - عدد الصفحات: 280
...intention."—PROFESSOR BENJAMIN PIERCE. " The Teleologist can always defy the Evolutionist to disprove that the primordial molecular arrangement was not intended to evolve the phenomena of the universe."— PROFESSOR TH HUXLEY. "Bigot Schools" (15). To me a school of thought seems bigoted, which, rather than... | |
| George Park Fisher - 1883 - عدد الصفحات: 526
...all the phenomena of the universe are consequences, the more completely is he thereby at tho inercy of the teleologist, who can always defy him to disprove that this primordial nebular arrangement was not intended to evolve the phenomena of the universe." 1 This intention is... | |
| Charles Force Deems - 1885 - عدد الصفحات: 114
...is, the more firmly does he assume a primordial molecular arrangement, of which all the phenotnena of the universe are the consequences ; and the more...intended to evolve the phenomena of the universe. Dr. McCosh, the President of Princeton College, made the following assertions in an address before... | |
| Charles Stanford - 1885 - عدد الصفحات: 122
...intentional reference to this argument, helps to confirm it by his remark, that the evolutionist must " assume a primordial molecular arrangement, of which...the phenomena of the universe are the consequences." Yes; but that " arrangement " 1 Lewis Morris. necessitates an arranger. The question : Who or what... | |
| Alfred Williams Momerie - 1886 - عدد الصفحات: 128
...On the contrary, the more purely a mechanist the speculator is, the more firmly does he assume the primordial molecular arrangement, of which all the...mercy of the teleologist, who can always defy him to prove that this primordial molecular arrangement was not intended to evolve the phenomena of the universe."... | |
| Joseph Smith Van Dyke - 1886 - عدد الصفحات: 496
...purpose." Professor Huxley affirms, " The more purely a mechanist the speculator is, the more firmly does he assume a primordial molecular arrangement,...universe are the consequences; and the more completely thereby is he at the mercy of the teleologist who can always defy him to prove that this primordial... | |
| Alfred Williams Momerie - 1887 - عدد الصفحات: 350
...On the contrary, the more purely a mechanist the speculator is, the more firmly does he assume the primordial molecular arrangement, of which all the...mercy of the teleologist, who can always defy him to prove, that this primordial molecular arrangement was not intended to evolve the phenomena of the universe."... | |
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