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" The teleological and the mechanical views of nature are not, necessarily, mutually exclusive. On the contrary, the more purely a mechanist the speculator is, the more firmly does he assume a primordial molecular arrangement, of which all the phenomena... "
The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Including an Autobiographical Chapter - الصفحة 555
بواسطة Charles Darwin - 1887
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

The American Catholic Quarterly Review, المجلد 31

James Andrew Corcoran, Patrick John Ryan, Edmond Francis Prendergast - 1906 - عدد الصفحات: 832
...mutually exclusive. On the contrary, the more purely a mechanist the speculator is, the more firmly does he assume a primordial molecular arrangement,...intended to evolve the phenomena of the universe." And again:50 "By the expression, made out of nothing, the Mosaic writer is taken to imply that where...

The Quarterly Review, المجلد 180

William Gifford, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, John Gibson Lockhart, Whitwell Elwin, William Macpherson, William Smith, John Murray, Rowland Edmund Prothero (Baron Ernle), George Walter Prothero - 1895 - عدد الصفحات: 596
...must be ' got rid of ; for, indeed, ' the more purely a mechanist the speculator is,' the more firmly 'does he assume a primordial molecular arrangement of which all the phenomena of the universe are consequences.' This corresponds to Paley's ' trains .of mechanical dispositions fixed beforehand by...

Darwin and the General Reader: The Reception of Darwin's Theory of Evolution ...

Alvar Ellegård - 1990 - عدد الصفحات: 400
...mutually exclusive. On the contrary, the more purely a mechanist the speculator is, the more firmly does he assume a primordial molecular arrangement,...intended to evolve the phenomena of the universe. On the other hand, if the teleologist assert that this, that, or the other result of the working of...
معاينة محدودة - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics: Arthur-Bunyan

James Hastings, John Alexander Selbie, Louis Herbert Gray - 1910 - عدد الصفحات: 932
...mutually exclusive. On the contrary, the more purely a mechanist the speculator is, the more firmly does he assume a primordial molecular arrangement,...not intended to evolve the phenomena of the universe ' (.Critique* and Addresses, pp. 305-307). It would seem that Huxley should here have asked himself...

The Dublin Review

Nicholas Patrick Wiseman - 1885 - عدد الصفحات: 546
...often been reproduced before : The more purely a mechanist a speculator is [he says], the more firmly does he assume a primordial molecular arrangement,...mercy of the teleologist, who can always defy him to prove that this primordial molecular arrangement was not intended to evolve the phenomena of the universe....

New Englander and Yale Review, المجلد 36

Edward Royall Tyler, William Lathrop Kingsley, George Park Fisher, Timothy Dwight - 1877 - عدد الصفحات: 824
...exclusive. On the contrary, the more purely a mechanist the speculator is, the more firmly does he assume primordial molecular arrangement, of which all the phenomena of the universe are consequences ; the more completely is he thereby at the mercy of the teleologist, who can always defy...

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